Islamic tradition holds that during one of his visits to Mount Hira in the year CE, the angel Gabriel appeared to him and commanded Muhammad to recite verses that would later be included in the Quran. Upon receiving his first revelations, Muhammad was deeply distressed. When he returned home, he was consoled and reassured by Khadijah and her Christian cousin.
Muhammad feared that others would dismiss his claims as evidence of him being possessed. The cave Hira in the mountain Jabal al-Nour where, according to Muslim belief, Muhammad received his first revelation from the angel Gabriel. The initial revelation was followed by a pause of three years a period known as fatra during which Muhammad felt depressed and further gave himself to prayers and spiritual practices.
When the revelations resumed, he was reassured and began preaching. Muslims believe that the Quran was verbally revealed from God to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel gradually over a period of approximately 23 years, beginning on 22 December CE, when Muhammad was 40, and concluding in CE, the year of his death.
At the beginning of these revelations, Muhammad was confident that he could distinguish his own thoughts from the messages. Medieval commentators such as Al-Tabari maintained that the term induced two meanings: firstly, the inability to read or write in general, and secondly, the inexperience or ignorance of books or scriptures.
However, priority was given to the first meaning. For example, according to Fakhr al-Din al-Razi, if Muhammad had mastered writing and reading he possibly would have been suspected of having studied the books of the ancestors. Some scholars such as Watt prefer the second meaning. According to the Quran, one of the main roles of Muhammad is to warn the unbelievers of their punishment at the end of the world.
The miracle of this prophet, was that he was born without a father. Contrary to some beliefs, jesus is not the son of a God, and was sent strictly as a messenger, to guide his people to a life of nobility and good deeds. Although he was blessed with many miracles, his sole purpose was to guide the people to believe in Allah only.
Adam 25 times Harun Aaron 20 times Sulayman Solomon 17 times Ishaq isaac 17 times Dawud David 16 times Prophet Dawud was given the Zaboor Psalms and was gifted with great knowledge and power within land. He was also an exemplary worshipper of Allah. He was chosen to preach the message to believe in Allah and forsake any other gods. He was sent as a mercy to the people, guiding and setting the greatest example possible of how every muslim should be.
He was also given the final book, the Holy Quran, whereby the Islamic rulings and guidelines are written. They are not equal in status to God, and must not be over exalted or given prominence over the belief in God. So if he was to die or be killed, would you turn back on your heels [to unbelief]? And he who turns back on his heels will never harm Allah at all; but Allah will reward the grateful. In Mishkat Al Masabih, several authorities are quoted as saying that Muhammad announced that there will be ten signs before the "last hour.
He is called the Spirit of God seven different times. In fact, the Quranic description of Jesus of Nazareth stands second only to the Bible. Rather, it was acquired from Jewish fables as well as from local heretical Christian sects. Still, one is profoundly amazed at how close a figure the Quran presents of the true Christ of the Gospels, our Savior and Lord.