How old is my iver johnson shotgun

Thanks in advance. Understanding your previous answers regarding age, any information on a serial number ending in, "D"? I have an iver Johnson 16 gauge champion with serial numbers IXBH any idea what period that would be? Two Old Dogs, Could you give me a date range for my Iver Johnson 20 gauge single barrel breach loaded with serial number B?

Thanks very much! Was wondering if you could find the exact year the Iver Johnson 12 gage single shot shotgun was made, with the serial number, , thankyou. G un V alues B oard.

Two Old Dogs. The serial number should be stamped on the bottom tang. Made in the period My champion 16ga has a serial number of any clue to year? Daniel: Made in the period Those may interest you: Iver Johnson gauge single shot shotgun value? Value of an Iver Johnson single shot shotgun. Value of Iver Johnson 12 gauge single shot XL shotgun. Iver Johnson 20 gauge shotgun. Matt Carpenter.

Matt: Made in the period Thank You so much! That time period coincides with when my greatgrandparents moved to Nebraska. Specifically, D, 16 Gauge single shot similar to those described above. Dennis: Made in the period Peter: Made in the period Those may interest you: Iver Johnson shotgun.

Iver johnson. I have an Iver Johnson 32 Cal 5 shot revolver, break top with a serial numb I have a iver johnson 12 gauge single shot shotgun. Location of serial numbers on Iver Johnson 12 gauge Champion. I have an Iver Johnson Champion. Iver Johnson's. I have a Marlin lever action It has the on bottom stock tang, be Iver Johnson serial number. I have an Iver Johnson 44 caliber shotgun single shot can I use a cartr How old is my Iver Johnson shotgun?

Iver Johnson Champion 20 gauge. He said there wasn't anything a 16ga wouldn't kill, I expect that for West Virginia that was correct. He had three 16ga singles when he died, even though at that point he could have bought just about anything he wanted. When only cops have guns, it's called a police state. I carry due to toxic masculinity Re: Old Iver Johnson 16 gauge shotgun 5 by sonny RiverKilt I have been looking for a Iver Johnson just like for a while, hope you still have it nad maybe thinking about getting rid of it.

Thanks Sonny. Maybe PM me. Who is online Users browsing this forum: No registered users and 0 guests. Trump joked and encouraged staffers to feel free t. TrueTexan , Sat Nov 13, pm. When I was choosing I went with the P A littl.


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