How old is beauty and the beast movie

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Beauty and the Beast. Parents recommend Popular with kids. Disney fave has great music, strong messages, some scares. G 90 minutes. Rate movie. Watch or buy. Based on 65 reviews. Based on 93 reviews. Get it now Searching for streaming and purchasing options Common Sense is a nonprofit organization.

Your purchase helps us remain independent and ad-free. Get it now on Searching for streaming and purchasing options X of Y Official trailer. Did we miss something on diversity? Suggest an update Beauty and the Beast.

Your privacy is important to us. We won't share this comment without your permission. If you chose to provide an email address, it will only be used to contact you about your comment. See our privacy policy. A lot or a little? The parents' guide to what's in this movie. Stands out for positive messages and positive role models. Educational Value. Positive Messages. Positive Role Models. Sexy Stuff. Raucous scene in a bar with plenty of foamy mugs sloshing around.

What parents need to know Parents need to know that Beauty and the Beast remade in live action in is one of Disney's most beloved "princess" stories -- and the first animated film to be nominated for a Best Picture Oscar.

Continue reading Show less. Stay up to date on new reviews. Why is a prince opening the door to his own castle, especially in the middle of the night? It seems quite odd that a prince would hear someone knocking at the front door of his giant castle in the middle night and decide to go answer, instead of sending a butler to do it.

Why is the enchantress testing the prince in the first place? There has to be some backstory here. Is this a Rapunzel or a Sleeping Beauty situation? Did his parents do something mean and she was getting payback? So was the prince only 11 years old when the enchantress turned him into a beast? So…did the others just start rusting after 10 years? More About 'Beauty and the Beast' View photos of Emma Watson through the years, discover more about the early career of Josh Gad , plus look back at this formidable group of animated and live-action princesses.

More like this. Watch options. Storyline Edit. Disney's animated classic takes on a new form, with a widened mythology and an all-star cast. A young Prince, imprisoned in the form of a Beast Dan Stevens , can be freed only by true love. What may be his only opportunity arrives when he meets Belle Emma Watson , the only human girl to ever visit the castle since it was enchanted.

Be our guest. Adventure Family Fantasy Musical Romance. Rated PG for some action violence, peril and frightening images. Did you know Edit. Emma Watson was offered the lead role in that movie, but turned down that movie to star in this one.

Goofs When Belle ascends the spiral staircase it is initially a clockwise spiral, yet when she emerges at the top it is the reverse. Quotes Clothilde : Henri? Crazy credits The Walt Disney Pictures logo features the Prince's castle with Villeneuve village in the background in the evening before his masquerade party starts.

A rosebush appears near the castle and the Enchantress picks a rose from it, leading into the opening. User reviews 1. Top review. Not Quite as Good as the Original. An adaptation of the fairy tale about a monstrous-looking prince and a young woman who fall in love. If you have one of the all-time greatest cartoons, there are things you can do with it.

Turn it into a musical is one. Crazy credits The title and some of the opening credits are written with chalk on a blackboard, and then erased. Alternate versions The American release of the film had an entirely different set of opening credits, and is the one available on VHS.

In that release, these credits were presented straightforwardly, with nothing unusual about them, and with the title in English. In the film's original release, available on DVD, the credits were written on a blackboard, in what is known as cursive handwriting, the same type of writing in which the opening prologue appears.

After every credit, Jean Cocteau's hand would erase it and write the next credit with what appeared to be chalk. Then, after the credits ended, a film clapboard was seen, it was slammed together, as they always are just before a film director yells "Action! User reviews Review. Top review. Jean Cocteau's French-filmed version of the oft-told tale, his first full-length feature as both writer and director.

This is a gorgeously-designed, blissed-out fantasy, terribly romantic and designed with staggering imagination. Josette Day is striking as slighted young woman who saves her father from the clutches of a village beast, initially sacrificing her life until she finds herself charmed by the cursed monster--and he to her.

Faithfulness to the original story leaves the ending feeling a little staid, but why complain when the film is this mesmerizing and beautiful? Cocteau's on-set diary was later published as "Beauty and the Beast: Diary of a Film", and makes an ideal companion piece to the movie. FAQ 4. Is this movie based on a book? Can the original fairy tale be read online?

Why was the same actor cast as both the Beast and as Avenant? Details Edit. Release date December 23, United States.


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