Pizarro said she was outraged, but not surprised Pinera has responded to ongoing protests with measures that could ramp up police crackdowns and the criminalisation of protests.
Arriagada and other students carried signs on Friday with the names of the people killed during the state of emergency last month. Many of the student protesters were shirtless and covered in paint representing blood and bullet holes.
The student action joined the march led by the Association of Relatives of the Detained-Disappeared and then continued their march, lining up and chanting at groups of police scattered throughout downtown Santiago. From day one, law students at the university organised legal support for the detained and injured. But they also feel it is important to keep the cases of people killed present in the public eye, Arriagada said.
By Sandra Cuffe. The report was presented to Chilean President Sebastian Pinera at a ceremony in the presidential palace. Justice Minister Teodoro Ribera said the document would contribute to peace and reconciliation in Chile. Allende shot himself, experts say. France sentences Pinochet allies. Chile seeks 'Dirty War' arrests. Augusto Pinochet. Both efforts were highly praised for helping Chile's democracy settle unpaid debts, but the Valech commission also was criticized because one of its establishing principles was to keep secret for 50 years the identities of those responsible.
Pinera's government has not said publicly whether it will maintain the same secrecy with the new report presented Thursday, but it is likely, because this commission functioned as an extension of the previous one. The Service receives technical support in the analysis of human remains from foreign institutions such as ICMP, which also participates in the Presidential Commission.
ICMP has assisted with DNA testing of 2, reference samples and post-morten samples from missing persons, and has provided extensive assistance with DNA matching and consultation. Chile has established a national database containing DNA samples of relatives of victims recognized by the different Commissions to ensure that any newly discovered human remains can be correctly and rapidly identified.
The Chilean authorities maintain an outreach campaign for families of the disappeared, inviting relatives to provide blood samples for DNA identification. More details can be accessed in Spanish here. Its mandate is to secure the cooperation of governments and others in locating missing persons from conflict, human rights abuses, disasters, organized crime, irregular migration and other causes and to assist them in doing so.
It is the only international organization tasked exclusively to work on the issue of missing persons. International legal instruments Chile has gone some way to develop a legal framework for addressing the MDP issue at the international level.
Lex specialis Article 6 of Act No Other regulations and measures Chile has established a national database containing DNA samples of relatives of victims recognized by the different Commissions to ensure that any newly discovered human remains can be correctly and rapidly identified.