How fast walk a mile

It takes, on average, about 15 to 22 minutes to walk a mile according to a large, long-term study. According to a study , men walk a bit faster than women, and your speed often decreases with age. Here are the breakdowns:. How long it takes to walk a mile: Women.

The world record for the fastest mile ever walked is held by British Olympian Tom Bosworth at Interested to see how fast your body can take you? Apps like MapMyRun , FitBit no band required , and Endomodo do the job of measuring distance and pace more accurately and easily than ever.

You can also invest in watches from brands like Garmin and Apple that do almost everything except rub your feet after a long walk. A good old-fashioned stopwatch or the digital stopwatch on your phone also still serves the purpose.

Keep in mind: One lap around a typical outdoor track is a quarter-mile and indoor tracks are typically one-tenth or one-twelfth of a mile.

Just keep in mind: your biggest mile marker is your own progress. Aiming to do better than you did yesterday is still a big step toward a healthier you. Research has found that even a small increase in walking can have big impacts on your overall health. Accelerating your walking speed can accelerate your health benefits. In general, walking speed significantly decreases as your age increases. According to research from , walking speed decreases slightly each year as you age.

This averages out to a difference of 1. Walking is a wonderful way to help prevent decline in physical function that often accompanies aging. Older adults are less likely to get the suggested amounts of weekly exercise, which can contribute to physical decline. On average, men walk faster than women, with the speeds between the sexes being most similar when people are in their 20s. Both men and women have a walking speed that stays fairly consistent until reaching their 60s, which is when it starts to decline considerably.

In general, women are less likely than men to get the recommended amount of weekly physical activity. Your speed is determined, in part, by your fitness level.

Many fitness experts consider a brisk walking pace to be steps per minute or 3 to 3. A brisk pace is relative since it refers to your level of exertion, which depends on your fitness level. In order for it to be considered a brisk pace, you need to raise your heart and breathing rate.

You may feel slightly out of breath or sweaty when walking briskly. You can use an app or a speedometer to measure your speed. Or you can measure your heart rate using a pulse monitor, fitness band, or calculator. Brisk walking counts as moderate-intensity exercise and is a terrific way to increase your physical activity. This type of exercise gets your heart rate going, makes you breathe harder and faster, and supports healthy blood flow. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC recommends that you get at least minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise each week.

The faster you walk, the better. You can work on speeding up your walking pace by working on your technique. This includes improving your posture, stride, and arm motion. We hope that you love our articles and find them useful and informative!

In full transparency, we may collect a small commission at no cost to you! These funds allow us to keep the site up and continue to write great articles. Running is great exercise. We all know that. Or maybe you are coming back from an injury and need to ease into things. Or, maybe you simply prefer mellower activities like walking. In any of these cases, you might have some questions about walking for exercise. The good news is that walking is an excellent way to exercise.

The short answer, as always, is that it varies. Just like it might take one runner 10 minutes to run a mile and another 5 minutes to run a mile, it all depends on pace, terrain, and weather.

How fast you are able to walk a mile depends on your age and your fitness. Someone who is in good physical shape or who regularly walks a mile is obviously going to be able to go faster than a beginner.

Similarly, someone in his 30s is likely going to be able to walk one mile faster than someone in her 60s. As we all know, people tend to slow down some as they get older. As a general guideline, walking a mile in 15 minutes is a properly fast challenge even for the very fit. A mile in 20 minutes is still on the fast side, but more manageable for most people. We tried one to find out. Here's our review. Kettlebells may look like the simplest piece of equipment in the gym, but they offer a ton of benefits for your body.

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