Differentiated instruction IS student centered. Differentiated instruction IS a blend of whole-class, group, and individual instruction.
Differentiated instruction DI begins with an accurate understanding of what DI is— and is not. You may be surprised how easy it is to incorporate into your classrooms. The teacher may still need to fine tune instruction for some learners, but because the teacher knows the varied learner needs within the classroom and selects learning options accordingly, the chances are greater that these experiences will be an appropriate fit for most learners.
Effective differentiation is typically designed to be robust enough to engage and challenge the full range of learners in the classroom. Many teachers incorrectly assume that differentiating instruction means giving some students more work to do, and others less.
For example, a teacher might assign two book reports to advanced readers and only one to struggling readers. Or a struggling math student might have to complete only computation problems while advanced math students complete the computation problems plus a few word problems.
Although such approaches to differentiation may seem reasonable, they are typically ineffective. One book report may be too demanding for a struggling learner.
A student who has already demonstrated mastery of one math skill is ready to begin work with a subsequent skill. Simply adjusting the quantity of an assignment will generally be less effective than altering the nature of the assignment.
Teachers who understand that teaching and learning approaches must be a good match for students look for every opportunity to know their students better.
They see conversations with individuals, classroom discussions, student work, observation, and formal assessment as ways to keep gaining insight into what works for each learner.
When students choose what to read based on their personal interests, it encourages focus and engagement. To learn more , get in touch! Declared a federal event in , this awareness month is a great reminder to make sure your curriculum.
July 24, Share on facebook. Share on twitter. Share on pinterest. What is Differentiated Instruction? According to educational researcher and differentiated instruction expert Carol Ann Tomlinson, there are four key ways to differentiate classroom instruction:[8] Content : How the student will access the information Process : The method of the activities students use to understand the information Product : Projects or homework that ask the student to practice or apply the information Learning environment : The space where the student is learning the information.
More education articles. Lincoln Elementary Science Night November 6, How does this bias impact the way the content is presented? Is it possible to avoid bias in writing? Questions that are tiered offer students a variety of angles from which to answer questions.
Students who are advanced might focus on the larger implications of the bias in this article in relation to society and government, while lower-level students might focus on discussing whether they believe bias in writing can be avoided.
The trick is to give students the freedom to choose how they respond to a question by layering more complex questions on top of simpler questions. How can I use online learning teams to successfully differentiate instruction? Learning teams can be easily assembled online using the Google Suite to facilitate asynchronous or synchronous student collaboration and work on projects, assignments, etc.
Online learning teams and group work allow instructors to assemble students by skill level, interest, or preferred learning style to achieve desired learning outcomes. I am using my Collaborize Classroom site to create character groups. The novel is focused on three mother-daughter pairs.
Each character tells two stories. Students find it challenging to keep the mothers and daughters straight-not to mention all of the secondary characters. To support students in their comprehension of the novel, I am breaking them up into mother-daughter focus groups. I have designed the groups so there is a balance of stronger students with lower level students.
This will allow me to challenge my most capable students, while supporting my lower level students. The mother-daughter focus groups will also allow students in each group to ask questions, clarify events, and share thoughts on their characters. The flexibility provided by an online learning tool allows differentiated instruction to transcend the or minute class period.