Elsword where to find steel dogtooth

Every time he walked around Theo, his heartbeat sped up. Would they be cold and metallic? Or smooth with silicone skin and curiously lifelike? Ain shook himself out of the thought as soon as he caught it, but still.

So, finally, he acted. The bird ruffled its wings and chirped. Ain smiled at the new creature. Carry this note to Theodore. Iavan chirped assent, took the note gently in its claws, and spread its wings, fluttering out the window. Ain stared after it for a moment before Elsword called him from downstairs. I would gladly enter into a relationship with you, and have Iavan as our courier when you have to travel away.

But he shook away that feeling and smiled with true relief and love up at Theodore. Ain Arme? X Theodore anon here to say that I want to shake mod ash because of angst.

QQ May I get a continuation where they use Iavan to send letters back and forth, especially when Arme gets to Elianode? I hope I'm not asking for too many continuations, being the sole asker as far as I know of a ship is rough and sad.

Elsword has been absorbed into the El. Elrianode has awoken. I… I have to go after him. I hope you remember me. Not a priest. What are you talking about? Iavan came to me in an absolute panic. Are you okay? Just please survive. I was panicked myself when I wrote that letter. Elsword is fine. Failed those.

Elia decided to take pity on me and save me. And that means staying with Elsword. I hope I can see you again before Ishmael Elia takes me back. I miss you. When he reaches the signature, he presses the letter to his chest and lets out a long sigh, feeling relief well up in him. Ain is safe. Ain will see him again, and Theodore is already planning the reunion. Can someone please help? Answered Am I required to make my elsword character advance to the third job? Answered Anyone wants to be my friend on elsword?

Ask A Question. Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password? Best job class for Elsword? Hey does anybody know where i can find the legendary costume full set cube exchange ticket? This skill is usually preferred over Hornet Sting in your early Lv20s. It will deal an initial strike, stunning the opponent s and making it great to use in combos.

The dust fragments will continue to swirl around you, dealing small bits of damage to enemies nearby. In dungeons, it may not be noticeable but it at least adds continuous damage, making it more practical than Hornet Sting.

In PvP, however, as said, it add damage in your combos. Also, if an enemy with very low HP is running away, have the fragments hit them!

All you need to do is get near them, no Z or X key required. First three maps of Feita are good. Intermediate Magic Training — Increase magic attack power permanently. This is however, a recommended passive to have. With this, Code Nemesis will be able to lean towards support. For those who have taken buffs, or even just one buff which should be Aura Magic Accel.

It will greatly help in the future, especially when you get another passive that gives a new effect to your Aura Accelerators. At max level 5, the MP cost becomes 50 MP. If you do not want to be a support Nemesis not a good choice , then you have the option to skip this passive. Explosion Impact — Pull out a whip to strike enemies into the air, then lash a second time as they fall to stop them, leaving them open as the whip explodes and damages the enemies.

It can even be your bossing skill, because some of your later skills may not be very good for boss monsters. With dealing 23 explosive hits, it is one of the most damaging MP skills if all explosions can hit. A recommended skill to have… …but only take this skill if you can get its skill note.

Enemies in air have the chance to receive less hits because they are not very stable to hit in the air. Therefore, with the note, enemies will stay on ground will be able to receive more hits. A recommend max, but do it at your late level 40s or 50s. Prerequisite: Mastered Iron Spirit There is no reason…at all, to take this buff. Iron Spirit — Focus some magic attack power to also increase physical attack power. Very little reason to take this. Skip it.

Graceful Steps — Increase movement and jump speed effects permanently. A questionable passive to have. If your fingers can adjust to the speed movement of your Eve, you could try out this skill.

Can be used in the air. Up close on any enemy it deals extremely high damage. A must have skill. Quest 3: Collect 1 drop, another 1 drop and a collection of 50 chests from map. This can take a LOT of runs to complete. Summoning an explosion for weak damage. Having cool spears on standby, they will fly with your regular attacks of Z or X to greatly increase the damage you do.

Mid-air Z attacks will have two extra hits. Overall, if you know how to do the Loop Z attacks and can utilize them very well, this is a recommended max. If you are a beginner player and not really used to combos, or want to be cautious and use a safer and still damaging skill, then see Junk Break below. On normal dungeon monsters or stoic boss monsters, this skill will take care of them very easily. Optional to max, recommended for beginners. After reaching Level 35, you can begin your second job advancement, to become the mighty Code Nemesis.

Defeat the Plant Overlords Boss 9 times on 3x-4 at any difficulty. Defeat Amethyst Boss 5 times at 3x-3 on Very Hard mode. Located at the secret upper path of 3x-3 on Very Hard mode, or at 3x-6 on Very Hard mode b. Located at 3x-4 on Hard mode or higher, or at 3x-6 on Hard mode or higher, 3x-4 is recommended c. Becoming faster, stronger, battle Code Exotic began to develop. Eve had fought many infected Nasod and devils, but seeked more power.

The code needed to be changed for her to become more efficient in using more ancient Nasod weapons. Summoning a large arsenal of enchanted weaponry, the Goddess of Justice will overwhelm all her opponents!

XXZZ — Throw out two electronballs and then stun the victim with a spear, then continue to summon additional Nasod Spears to pierce the opponent, ending it with a strong finishing blow that knocks the enemy up. As the great Code Nemesis, you now gain an increased arsenal of weapons.

With a new weapon in hand along with enhanced manipulation of already owned Nasod weapons, you become the Goddess of Justice to wreak merciless havoc on those who deserve their destruction. Atomic Blaster — Step backwards and pull out a blaster, firing at the enemy upwards into the air. A simple and powerful MP skill, recommend to max.

This easily replaces Hornet Sting if you have it, because Atomic Blaster will deal more damage and you can combo the enemies after. Aim carefully to deal the maximum 12 hits for the maximum damage. The great passive that makes Code Nemesis a better support role. A recommended have if you can spare the skill slots for your Aura Accelerator s. Spear Burst — Drive stingers downwards toward the ground, impaling any enemy in the way and create a shock wave that damages them.

Can only be used in air. Super Armor is granted during the duration of the skill. An active skill that leads Code Nemesis for combo purposes. It knocks down enemies, and unless you can catch the enemies afterwards, it has little use in dungeons. You could however, use its super armor effect. PvP users are to learn how to use this skill wisely, it will prove great worth for either combos or get-away situations.

Atomic Shield — Summon Nasod nano-machines that generate an aura around the character which reduces damage taken by allies and destroys projectiles. Yet another skill that provides support ability for Code Nemesis. Has some use for dungeons, such as to help in case the boss gets tricky with you, and does great for team PvP.

Log In Sign Up. Keep me logged in on this device Forgot your username or password? Don't have an account? Sign up for free! What do you need help on? Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Boards Elsword Character choosing guide. User Info: r12qi. Void Princess: the goddess who rules over all in this game, easy melee combo with a hit based on magic attack, skills that deal raw damage, field clearing lasers, a skill that traps and curses victims, destroying their MP, and lets you beat the hell out of them for a few seconds , etc.

Code Empress is physical while Code Nemesis is magical? Code Empress does higher damage, but Code Nemesis does faster damage and can have Awakening for the entire stage, which allows her to burn through trash, but not so much bosses, as Empress gets the high damage MP skills AND can use the 10 second advanced buff alongside them without using a potion while Nemesis gets a 30 second buff that adds a second hit to all her attacks, and a giant drill that does decent damage, but gets beaten out at boss damage by most other MP attacks but with all the hits it gets in, it can cause the boss to go super armor, which will help out the group also, I forgot to mention that Code Nemesis is a support class just like Elemental Master, gets a passive that adds a crit rate increase to her buffs, and a shield that reduces all projectile damage Note to self: Cannon highly effective against flesh.

User Info: MA5C. I'm thinking about rolling LK as main but the ammount of fanboys could make the equip very overpriced unless it would die out but knowing america.. Maybe I'll think about Blade Master instead. More topics from this board Am I required to make my elsword character advance to the third job? General 2 Answers It says I competed a quest, but it doesn't show up in the quest menu. Can someone please help?

Side Quest 1 Answer Whats the easyst way to get the steel dog tooth? Side Quest 1 Answer Anyone know glitches? General 3 Answers.

Ask A Question. Browse More Questions. Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password? User Info: r12qi r12qi 10 years ago 1 i want to know character advantage and disadvantage.

User Info: emagdnE emagdnE 10 years ago 3 here's a half-assed short version of all the classes: Lord Knight: gimped due to lack of ranged attacks in both PVE and PVP, despite passives for higher HP and damage reduction, but good at combos, basically playing the game on hard mode Rune Slayer: slightly less gimped due to ranged attacks, not as good at combos, still fodder for Aisha and Rena Elemental Master: can buff and debuff at the same time, AoE skills, fireball range passive, max MP increase passive, etc.

User Info: r12qi r12qi Topic Creator 10 years ago 4 i knew it, void princess is overpowered. User Info: r12qi r12qi Topic Creator 10 years ago 6 still confuse with seem nemesis is more appealing because seem have higher damage i also like gundam design, did they just hire japanese artist to work for it? User Info: emagdnE emagdnE 10 years ago 7 Code Empress does higher damage, but Code Nemesis does faster damage and can have Awakening for the entire stage, which allows her to burn through trash, but not so much bosses, as Empress gets the high damage MP skills AND can use the 10 second advanced buff alongside them without using a potion while Nemesis gets a 30 second buff that adds a second hit to all her attacks, and a giant drill that does decent damage, but gets beaten out at boss damage by most other MP attacks but with all the hits it gets in, it can cause the boss to go super armor, which will help out the group also, I forgot to mention that Code Nemesis is a support class just like Elemental Master, gets a passive that adds a crit rate increase to her buffs, and a shield that reduces all projectile damage Note to self: Cannon highly effective against flesh.

It says I competed a quest, but it doesn't show up in the quest menu. What is the easiest way to get the Elder Mercenaries Set for Raven? Side Quest. Whats the easyst way to get the steel dog tooth? Anyone know glitches? The game features 2. Players can enjoy player vs.

For the accounts created within NA region, players will be playing in Solace server. The story of Elsword takes place in a fantasy world called Elrios, a once dead realm submerged in darkness and Chaos which became prosperous and lively thanks to the power of a huge, mysterious gem that the Goddess Ishmael had sent to revitalize the continent: the El Crystal.

As time passed, the power of El the short calling for El Crystal was misused and the El became weakened, threatening to deteriorate Elrios. After the life and prosperity returned to Elrios, people had chosen six individuals called El Masters to govern the El as well as to help the El Lady. However, later, an incident involved in the betrayal of Solace the Sun Master and the disappearance of the El Lady led to an extremely unstable state of the El Crystal.

The El exploded into million shards and the shards dispersed throughout the continent. People could only live near the places where the large El Shards resided. The whole continent was split to two. Conflicts broke as there were some people tried to fight to protect and restore the El, while the others aimed to steal the broken El Shards for selfish purposes.

Years later, in a small village named Ruben, the bandits planned to steal the El Stone, a large El Shard lying in a giant tree.

Elsword, a young swordman, together with his new allies, Rena the elf and Aisha the wandering magician, set out on a quest to pursue the thieves and retrieve the missing El Stone.

Yet, more serious troubles and evil plots awaited them. The current season of the Elsword features twelve characters, or classes. You are commenting using your WordPress.

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Notify me of new posts via email. Hey Elsers, We meet again. What is Elsword? Lore The story of Elsword takes place in a fantasy world called Elrios, a once dead realm submerged in darkness and Chaos which became prosperous and lively thanks to the power of a huge, mysterious gem that the Goddess Ishmael had sent to revitalize the continent: the El Crystal.

Story Years later, in a small village named Ruben, the bandits planned to steal the El Stone, a large El Shard lying in a giant tree.

Characters and Classes The current season of the Elsword features twelve characters, or classes. Basic Characteristics: Strong melee class. Easy to to play and combo. High physical attack damage and physical defense. High HP, high MP gained when delivering physical attack, super armor state. Elsword now can use magical runes besides his basic physical combos to deal more damage. He can also call on an infinite number of swords to aid him in battle. Basic Characteristics: Fastest auto MP recovery while standing still.

Highest magical attack damage and magical defense. Teleport, buff skills for supporting allies, ability of air gliding. AoE damage and long-range attack skills. Using Ice, Fire, Wind and Thunder to wipe away the enemy on the large area. The advancement to this job allows Aisha to unleash more dark skills and to curse the enemy, as well as enhancing close range combat. Basic Characteristics: Double jump feature.

High physical and magical damage. Strong long-ranged attack with X combo. Auto MP recovery while standing still.

The arrows become a lot stronger with the power of elements imbued in them. Powerful awakening state with the help of the Nasod Core. Balancing character stat. Heavy damage with the Nasod Arm. Burning away everything but risking his own life due to overheating, his will will be tested. Basic Characteristics: Flexible movement. Party support buff skills. Nasod unit summoning skills to aid in battles. Her combos are diverse, and all basic attacks get improved. Eve gives up on her emotions in exchange for power.

Different force fields are available to change your attacks. Basic Characteristics: Unlimited ammo in Awakening Mode. Heavy long-ranged damage with cannonball. Guarding and Counterattacking system. Relying on brute force and sheer strength, Chung is capable of delivering stronger attacks. He is the guardian and an assassin at the same time. Fast-paced skills and combos. Air walking, easy to evade and position yourself.

Basic Characteristics: Adept at melee combat with powerful combos. High physical attack and physical defense. Flaming offensive to aid in battles. Easy to play. Basic Characteristics: High magical attack and magical defense. Now he can crush his enemies with brute force. Mastermind can summon and control more advanced drones with ease. Add becomes a demon of paradox, having the potential to destroy the universe with his paranormal powers.

Basic Characteristics: Duo MP gauge. Combination Point system for Combination Skills with higher attack power. Switch between two characters for strategy. Fast MP recovery for the in activated character.

Now they can take command over the ancient weapons and soul manipulation. Nothing can stop the duo now. Let the enemies play with their darkness. Over Strike effect to boost damage. Useful when MP is low. Fast, wide-ranged attacks.

Rose becomes a ruthless killing machine on the battlefield. Shooting at the back of her enemies and then quickly running away. Flexible movement. Powerful X attacks and ability of gliding. See you all in part 2! Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Loading March 29, April 24, by theelsernest Categories: game guide Tags: characters , class , guide , story Leave a comment. A Gallery Walk. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:.

Email required Address never made public. Stopping before the last hit prevents the player from launching the enemy. It is normally used for safety, but is recommended for new players with low attack speed stats. Exotic's strongest magic damage combo. It is usually used as a finisher, since it knocks down the enemy.

This combo is generally used against stoic, immobile enemies, like golems and generators. In such a situation, it would deal the highest amount of DPS damage per second. Info: A general skill for all Exotics.

It will increase the damage of your spikes, and all your Exotic skills. This skill is a prerequisite for Magic Attack Advanced Buff. Info: Excellent for Exotic builds that include party buffs. It would be worth investing in this skill rather than mastering the party buffs, if you were to get more than one.

This skill is a prerequisite for Physical Attack Advanced Buff. Skill Description: Increases your movement and jump speed. Skill Description: For 10 seconds your magic attack power is increased drastically. Info: This skill is usually used before a high damaging attack skill, greatly raising the attack power for a low cost of MP. Since all Exotic skills are magical, this skill is recommended to be mastered. Skill Description: For 10 seconds your physical attack power is increased drastically.

Info: Exotics do not have any physical type moves, so most generally avoid learning this skill completely. Skill Description: Summons particles of metal dust to revolve around you as a shield and enemies will continue to take damage if the character stands next to them during the effect. It lasts for 20 seconds and is a magical skill. It is a special skill that needs to be unlocked. It is extremely useful for charging your Awakening bar, and deals high magic DoT damage over time as you attack.

Skill Description: Holding the skill's hotkey charges the electronball increasing its magic damage, range, and size. Releasing the hotkey fires an electronball from your hand.

Skill Description: Shoots a missile that explodes with a high splash damage when it hits a certain enemy. All enemies affected by the explosion will get knocked down and receive high damage. This skill is magical. Info: The skill deals two hits, initial connection damage and splash damage.

The first enemy it hits will receive both damages, whereas surrounding enemies only receive splash damage. Skill Description: The character unleashes a whip where she extends through a long range, and makes it explode causing the enemies to receive damage from a distance.

This skill does physical damage when extended, and magical damage when exploding. Info: Currently the strongest MP skill of all classes. On bigger enemies, its damage can even be compared to that of a MP skill. It does not fair as well on stoic human-sized enemies, however.

Skill Description: Surrounds the characters with a huge number of needles with a range of 4M, causing the enemies to receive multiple hits of damage. This skill is magical and can be casted while jumping. Its range is radial, making it very hard to miss. Skill Description: A transformation skill where the character summons deadly spikes to support her in battle for 30 seconds. This transformation gives the character an increased range and multiple hits in normal attacks, and allows the user to dash more frequently than previously in air.

The multiple hit damage in the normal attacks are magical. Info: By far the fastest field clearing skill, allowing the player to shred enemies in seconds. Skill Description: Summons a giant grinder with a long range to crush enemies for 4 seconds.


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