Pregnancy diagnosis. At the time of pregnancy diagnosis, the likely number of sows that will farrow in this batch is known. The future gilts required to mate within this batch next time round, are now 15 weeks old. All sows around weeks of pregnancy should be carefully examined by the farm manager. Any sow that is deemed to be suboptimal should be marked for culling.
Selected future gilts need to be added to the pool so that they will be in second, third or fourth oestrus post boar exposure when this batch is being bred again. Let us assume that the gilts enter the breeding pool at around kg, are introduced to a boar, cycle within five days and then cycle twice before being bred mated on her third heat into the breeding pool , this is seven weeks post introduction into the breeding pool.
Reviewing the future breeding batch at weeks of pregnancy gives the farm time to ensure breeding targets and met. The obvious minimum answer is the number of batch farrowing places, but note that the term is minimal. Several batches a year will present with 11 sows pregnant in week 16 of gestation.
Load the farrowing places with 10 pregnant sows as normal, around days of gestation. Leave the sow mated last in the breeding batch in the gestation area. When about the third sow farrows not a first or second parity sow allow the piglets to suckle colostrum from their mother for about 12 hours, and then wean.
Distribute the piglets to the previously two farrowed sows. MH conceived the initial idea. KT and KF were in charge of the data collection and statistical analyses. The manuscript was prepared and edited by all authors. The research described in this paper has been commissioned by the Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark as part of the contract between Aarhus University and Ministry of Environment and Food for the provision of research-based policy advice at Aarhus University, — The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
The authors would like to acknowledge the participating farm owners, haulers, drivers, and the slaughtering company Danish Crown for allowing us to collect data on their property, their animals and their trucks.
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Livest Sci. Analysis of reasons for sow culling and seasonal effects on reproductive disorders in Southern China. Anim Reprod Sci. Transportation of cull sows—A descriptive study of the clinical condition of cull sows before transportation to slaughter. Transl Anim Sci. Prevalences of welfare-related lesions at post-mortem meat-inspection in Danish sows.
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Front Vet Sci. Council Regulation. Heat and moisture production of modern swine. Atlanta — Interval from last insemination to culling: II. Culling reasons from practise and the correlation with longevity. Sow removal in Swedish commercial herds.
Effects of a controlled heat stress during late gestation, lactation, and after weaning on thermoregulation, metabolism, and reproduction of primiparous sows. Technical note: initial evaluation of floor cooling on lactating sows under acute heat stress.
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What is suffering in animals? Dilemmas in Animal Welfare. Livestock drivers' knowledge about dairy cow fitness for transport—A Danish questionnaire survey. Res Vet Sci. The 8 Hours Campaign Improvement of animal welfare by strategic analysis and logistic optimization of animal slaughter transportation. Anim Welf. Energetics of sows and gilts in gestation crates in the cold. Lactation in the sow during heat stress. Livest Prod Sci. Climatic conditions in sow barns in Northern Germany. Climatic effects on sow fertility and piglet survival under influence of a moderate climate.
Ingram D. Evaporative cooling in the pig. Nature —6. Heat stress in pregnant sows: thermal responses and subsequent performance of sows and their offspring. Mol Reprod Dev. The accumulation of skin lesions and their use as a predictor of individual aggressiveness in pigs. Appl Anim Behav Sci. Most recordkeeping programs offer mechanisms to record the reason s why individual sows are culled.
In an attempt to more specifically identify the reasons sows are culled, Iowa State University researchers, with funding from the National Pork Board, investigated the physical and reproductive conditions of 3, cull sows delivered to midwestern sow harvest plants. Body condition, feet and legs, shoulders, teeth, respiratory system, digestive and reproductive tracts were visually evaluated for the presence or absence of lesions and abnormal conditions in the sows.
A National Swine Improvement Federation certified Real-Time ultrasound technician measured backfat, loineye area and loin muscle depth from a cross-sectional image taken at the 10th rib of sows prior to slaughter.
A visual assessment of body condition was made immediately postmortem, evaluating each sow's condition and scoring them on a 1 thin to 5 fat scale, much as a producer would do as sows reenter the gestation barn. Front feet, rear feet and dewclaw condition were evaluated and recorded by a trained technician. Both hooves toes and dewclaws were evaluated for various abnormalities, including sidewall lesions, cracks in the white line and toes, cracks in the soft heel of the toe, abscesses, cuts, abrasions and bruising.
Shoulders were evaluated for the presence of lesions in the form of abscesses, abrasions and wounds. Shoulder lesions were categorized as follows:.
Teeth were evaluated and recorded by a trained technician. Top and bottom teeth were counted and scored for severity of wear as follows:. Harvest plant personnel removed all thoracic and abdominal viscera, including the respiratory, reproductive and digestive organs from the carcass. Immediately after removal from the carcass, U. Department of Agriculture personnel and a veterinarian visually inspected the viscera.
From the macroscopic appearance of the ovaries, the sows were classified as normal, cystic or acyclic non-cyclic. Pregnancy status was determined and fetal tissues if present were classified as normal, decomposing or mummified.
The research veterinarian visually evaluated the thoracic and abdominal cavity and organs for clinical signs of disease. The presence or absence of peritonitis, pleural adhesions, and pneumonia were recorded. Corn Returns: Ex-farm prices. UK delivered prices. UK feed ingredient prices. UK export prices.
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