Can you defrag seagate momentus xt

Mussels Freshwater Moderator Staff member. Joined Oct 6, Messages 51, 8. Joined Apr 3, Messages 0. Momentus XT Enhancements The new, innovative Momentus XT Solid State Hybrid drive is uncovering intricacies that traditional hard drives both are unaware of and whose dynamics they cannot enhance or improve. Seagate is enhancing the drive capabilities in real-time.

Enhancements are released into firmware augmentation code as soon as they are verified, resolved, and tested. You will not have to wait for the next Solid State Hybrid products to experience the enhancements, as the Seagate support site offers a firmware detection tool to verify if you have the latest enrichments.

See it at Document ID: System configuration can sometimes limit the potential of all components in the system if they are set primarily for power savings, and if that is what is most important to the user, then it is helpful to keep these settings turned on. However, if your primary goal is high performance, then there are a couple of areas where users can fine-tune their system and realize the full potential of their storage.

Turn off Windows automatic defrag. Frequent Anti-virus scans can disrupt the performance optimization of the drive, so be aware of how often the Anti-virus software scans the drive. In some configurations with Windows 7 and Momentus XT, disabling super-fetch can improve performance. For more tricks and tips, please visit the Seagate community forum. I understand I shouldn't defrag often, that's clear, what's not clear if I should do it at all.

It says "works best without frequent defrag" so I'd imagine it's fine. I've had mine for over a year and defragged it several times when it's gotten bad.

So far everyone seems to like the drives in terms of price and performance. Joined Apr 21, Messages To those of you who have had this drive for a while now, how are you liking it? Joined Apr 4, Messages 6, Joined Nov 8, Messages I would like to know as well. Im about to get one for my i7 MBP. Joined Oct 7, Messages Joined Jul 30, Messages 3, Thanks for this thread, Should prove to be valuable to anyone looking for info on these drives myself included.

Joined Jul 1, Messages Also, every OS should recognize when a SSD is connected and ask you if you want to use it as a standard HDD, or use it as a massive read cache for all the other disks in the system. It's going to be difficult to evaluate these hybrid disks using standard disk benchmark tools If the benchmark is truly testing random access, it won't hit the same blocks on the next run and they won't be cached For large contiguous reads, the controler probably doesn't bother to cache them.

Answers to "does it seem fast? Is there a benchmark that times common windows tasks and tests them over multiple reboots? Things like opening and closing a web browser, an email app, an office app, logging on, etc. For these hybrid drives, a good web server benchmark that runs for an hour or more, may be an excellent test that would correlate to real life..

KapsZ28 2[H]4U. Joined May 29, Messages 2, I could run WorldBench 6 with at least 3 consecutive runs and see if the results get better each time. Plus these aren't synthetic benchmarks which is good. Only bad part is I can't use my laptop during the testing which is going to take a long time. Joined Aug 23, Messages It works. My five-month-old, Core i7 MacBook Pro's boot times went from an average 45 second boot time with the original GB rpm Hitachi hard drive to Brian Barrett's MacBook Pro's boot times plummeted from to 30 seconds.

Start times for database-driven apps were cut in half, or better, like Aperture Even Photoshop start times dropped, from It's extra performance you can definitely feel day-to-day, if only slightly. Still fragile like a hard drive. Also, it has to learn which programs you use the most before you see the most benefit.

And obviously it doesn't boost everything to SSD speeds. But definitely get the GB model—not only do you get more storage, you get double the flash cache and interface speed.


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