As such it contains several ingredients designed to increase your metabolism and ratchet up the fat burn. According to customer reviews, the product makes you sweat a lot. This is common among these kinds of supplements as sweating cuts water weight. Animal Cuts claims that its formula stands apart from the competition because it is backed by scientific research.
Unfortunately, we were unable to find links to any of this claimed research. We assume that one or two of the specific ingredients in Animal Cuts has been tested for weight loss potential and they are claiming those studies as evidence that Animal Cuts works.
The product is also designed for people who are on very high-intensity bodybuilding routines. So unless you are crushing it in the gym on a regular routine. We understand why this is the case but it is a cause for worry. High-intensity workouts are how you burn fat and cut weight without animal fats. So, without any clinical evidence, how would you know any weight you lose is because of animal fats?
Customer reviews are fairly mixed but lean toward the positive side. The most common complaints we saw were that the product did not work. However, that could just be because they were not putting in enough exercise. Animal Cuts contains a large list of ingredients and a proprietary blend.
Here are the most important ingredients. As you can see, Animal Cuts contains a lot of stimulants, which is how it gives you energy and makes you lose water weight. Weight cutting pills have some side effects. Common side effects include dehydration, weakness, dizziness, and fatigue. It is very important to eat properly and drink lots of fluids when taking weight cutting pills. Several users say the product makes them sweat a lot, which is to be expected.
You can also buy it in select physical retail spots like GNC and Walgreens. We say Animal Cuts is worth it, but only if you are practicing a heavy workout routine and you use it carefully. Dehydration is a very real risk with weight cutting supplements and Animal Cuts is no different. So while it is effective, it needs to be handled carefully. Animal Cuts is a miracle fat-burner manufactured by Universal Nutrition dedicated to burning calories from stored body fat.
Discover why bodybuilders and fitness junkies are obsessed with Animal Cuts by reading our review. Animal Cuts Powder can be stacked with any non-stimulant Animal product. If you are using a stimulant-based supplement along with Animal Cuts or Animal Cuts Powder, please proceed with caution.
If you have further questions about pairing Animal Cuts or Animal Cuts Powder with other supplements, please email us at info animalpak.
Are there any banned substances in Animal Cuts Powder? Is it WADA compliant? While there are no ingredients in Animal Cuts Powder that are currently on the WADA list, we suggest that you consult with the federation that you compete in. I am a female athlete looking to get leaner. Animal Cuts and Animal Cuts Powder are formulated to be used by men and women. Both products are female-friendly.
We suggest either focusing on a bulking phase or a cutting phase. If you are taking the Animal Cuts pill packs, you can remove the red pill stimulant complex and then you can proceed with taking your pre-workout. Because Animal Cuts Powder is in powder form, there is no option to remove the stimulant, therefore we do not recommend consuming your pre-workout while taking the powder version.
Animal Cuts or Animal Cuts Powder can be taken with non-stimulant based preworkout supplements. Some people will want to use Animal Cuts or Animal Cuts Powder as a preworkout due to its stimulant properties — using Cuts or Cuts Powder alone as a preworkout is okay, but as a reminder, we do not advocate pairing Cuts or Cuts Powder with a preworkout. We recommend that you avoid consuming coffee when taking either Animal Cuts or Animal Cuts powder.
Animal Cuts or Animal Cuts Powder do not contain any calories. Can I take Animal Cuts Powder during fasted cardio? Animal Cuts Powder was formulated as a metabolic powerhouse without calories and can fit nicely into a fasted cardio protocol to assist with your cutting goals. Animal Cuts and Animal Cuts Powder are both effective and comprehensive fat burners, however, the formulas are different for each format. As such, we designed a similar but strategically different formula for Cuts Powder which maximizes the benefit of the powder form, delivering the best cutting features for a powder, via great solubility, digestibility, ingredient mix and delicious flavor.
With Animal Cuts pill-packs, you will find a more diverse selection of herbs, which are better contained in capsules due to their harsh taste. While Animal Cuts Powder does contain herbs, it is built around ingredients that are more advantageous to a powder format, such as our key carnitine cutting blend, tyrosine focus blend coupled with choline bitartrate for enhanced carnitine retention. Since Animal Cuts is quite stacked with stimulants, diuretics, and other ingredients, it's possible that it can cause side effects for some people.
When we look at user experiences available online, the side effects can include:. I did not experience any side effects with the use of Animal Cuts, but we are very used to taking high-stimulant products such as pre-workouts. The advised serving size is two sachets 18 capsules per day, but if it's your first go with these products, try starting with just one sachet 9 capsules. It's known that the red capsule in the sachet is the one that contains the stimulants. So if you're not a fan of stims, you can simply leave that one out and take the rest.
The best way to take Animal cuts is by taking one packet 9 capsules after waking up and another packet 9 capsules about 4 to 6 hours later. By spreading out the dosage, you'll be able to maintain the fat burning effects throughout the entire day. Make sure that you take your packet with a meal, we've experienced slight nausea when we took it on an empty stomach.
During these 3 weeks, you should be able to lose a significant amount of fat. If you're still not satisfied after those 3 weeks, you simply run another cycle until you reach your goals. In total, you will be taking 18 capsules every day. If your not a fan of taking a lot of capsules then this product definitely isn't for you.
After reading the majority of this article, most of you will want to know if you should go ahead and try Animal Cuts. But before you purchase and start taking Animal cuts, ask yourself this, is it the best fat burner your going to find?
Head over to our top 10 best fat burner supplements to learn about the strongest and most potent products. Yes, women can also take this supplement. We do advise starting with just one packet to assess tolerance. We don't know exactly what's in each pill of Animal cuts, and I don't think the information is available online right now.
But what we do know is that the red capsule contains the stimulants, and the blue capsule contains the diuretics. We advise stacking weight loss products with a BCAA supplement or intra workout supplement to maintain lean muscle tissue. We've tested this product for several weeks and could tell it's good stuff, simply because there's so many ingredients that contribute to boosting performance.
But, we think that it's not for everyone, especially since you have to take nearly 20 capsules per day if you want optimal results. Do we think it's the best product you can possibly get? Read our top 10 best fat burner supplements article to see if this product was featured.
If you've tried Animal cuts and want to share your honest experience with this product, let us know what you think in the comments. Kyle is passionate about bodybuilding and fitness. He has been training for over two decades and has trained and coached many people in the past.
Kyle shares his experience on various supplements, health, and bodybuilding topics. We will be happy to hear your thoughts Leave a reply Cancel reply Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
SupplementsReviewer provides you with unbiased reviews on supplements such as pre-workouts, muscle builders, fat burners and more. Want us to review a product? Weight Loss. Kyle Clayton November 15, 0. What Is Animal Cuts? Contents 1 What Is Animal Cuts?