This is where I get stuck. Logging in as a guest works perfectly fine. Whenever I attempt to log in to my own account, I never make it to the lobby. Also, in order to get to the login screen, I'm required to delete all data so that it doesn't auto-sign me in to my account and get stuck. Seems like your keybindings were corrupted, I've deleted the invalid settings so it should be working now. This happened with my old account too , i got stuck in the EE laodscreen only in my old account , now im playing in my alt acc.
Usually when this happens its the too many favourites bug fixable using this tool , I think this is the only time I've seen it be caused by something we can fix XD.
RSS topic feed. You are not logged in. Topics: Active Unanswered. Do you think I could just leave this part blank and it'd be okay? We're just going to replace the whole thing with a header image anyway, right? I was just playing everybody edits, but when I left the world the game just stuck at the main menu: the world with the mouse. And it doesn't load anymore. But it Just get stuck there. Hide the progress bar forever? Yes No. Limit my search to this forum. Get more out of your Kongregate experience.
Take advantage of ad-free gaming, cool profile skins, automatic beta access, and private chat with Kong Plus. Learn more ». We have reduced support for legacy browsers. Trending with Friends Activity Feed g Register or sign in to start receiving activity updates from around Kongregate! Host Your Game on Kongregate An open platform for all web games! Find documentation and support to get you started. Upload Your Game Our Publishing Program With our publishing program, we can help get your games to millions of users on multiple platforms!
Create Listings. Here is the personal information we do not store :. However, this whole endeavour is a good lesson in how important it is to make sure: Your password should be different on every site you have an account on. There are some individuals which have searched for leaks from other sites where the email addresses in these documents are listed, and have found passwords through those, trying them on Everybody Edits accounts only to find it successfully logs them in.
As such, we highly recommend updating your password on Everybody Edits, and every few weeks after. Most of the IP Addresses that were leaked are now outdated, as they were the last known login IP addresses as of 5th January, Nevertheless, we sincerely apologise that the IP Addresses were stored at all, and we have now disabled collection of IP addresses. We are now only able to access your IP address while you are logged on which we rarely need to do anyway.
The following is what we see when we view the stored account information. There is no way for us or anyone to access the IP Address or the Password. On 5th January, , we believe a staff member at the time exported the entirety of this storage area from this link:. However, the export sends an email to the person logged in to Player. IO with the exported information via a link to download the file s. We have been in contact with Player. IO, which has now updated their systems, so these exports can no longer be found as easily, by adding extra completely random strings into the links.
As such, we believe it is no longer possible to access this information in this manner. I am also the sole individual able to export these files now, and I have no intention, or need, to do so. Below is the information we have, and the information was exported in a similar fashion as above. We have taken every precaution to make sure such an incident can never happen again. IO has successfully co-operated and transferred the game again to a new Player.
IO account I created, and all current members of staff have brand new Player. IO accounts as well, just in case one of us was somehow compromised. Our contact at Player. IO has confirmed that anyone that may previously have had access through a development server is now locked out, so whatever access the hackers once had is no longer possible.