Why shaving cream is necessary for shaving

Not only is your facial hair harder to cut, but it also contrasts with the natural texture of your skin.

In other words, your facial hair is rough as guts while your skin is smooth and soft. Because these two textures lie on top of each other, trying to cut the hairs closely and not rip chunks out of your skin is no easy feat.

Shaving cream adds a buffer of protection that lets you cut stubborn hairs precisely, all while minimising damage to your skin. Shaving cream also has the added bonus of acting as a lubricant. Did you know that a wet shave is one of the most common causes of dry skin? Shaving cream protects against this by helping your skin avoid getting too dry during a shave. And as an added benefit, it also soothes your skin to help counteract the harsh effects of shaving.

This is one question that confuses a lot of guys! The most obvious point of difference is that shaving cream does not come in a can, unlike its foam-based cousin. While the air inside a can will make the lather thick and pillowy, it only serves to make shaving more difficult. As a result, you have to apply added pressure to the razor, which will quickly increase the amount of razor burn and irritation you experience. Shaving foams typically contain higher amounts of alcohol as well, which draws even more moisture out of your skin.

This is another reason why you should steer clear of it altogether, especially if you have sensitive skin. In contrast, shaving creams tend to have a low alcohol content and also contains glycerine, which locks moisture into your skin. Just be sure to stay away from shaving creams that contain skin irritants like sulphates and parabens.

This can cause razor burn , itchy bumps, and redness after shaving. Shaving without shaving cream can cause razor bumps and ingrown hairs , also known as pseudofolliculitis barbae. Razor bumps can be itchy and pus-filled. They can also become infected. People who are allergic to shaving cream, rejoice: There are plenty of other safe options for you. Note that shaving with shower gels or soaps can coat your skin and make it slippery. They can also make it more likely that you hurt yourself shaving.

Steaming up your bathroom with a hot shower will help open up your pores and hair follicles. Then switch the stream to a warm not hot temperature before shaving carefully. Sometimes, you just run out. The key to shaving without shaving cream is to treat your skin even more gently than you would when you shave normally. Why You Need Shaving Cream You lather up dutifully with shaving cream, gel, or foam before starting each shave but you may be left wondering, why?

How necessary is lathering up with shaving cream before you start shaving? The answer lies in your skin and hair. Your beard hairs are tough and wiry — if you were to rub your hand across your stubble, you would notice how sharp beard hair can be.

On the other hand, the skin on your face is soft and has gel-like texture and movement properties. These copper-wire-like hairs can be hard to deal with — literally: You may shave up to 25, hairs each time you commence your facial shaving routine.

Alas: The product category exists for a reason. In order to verge on the safe side—rather than sorry and inflicted with the pain of ingrowns and irritation post-shave—your best bet is to invest in a shaving cream.

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