Griff's current friend after Nate's unknown absence in Blur. It appers that Maya can tolerate Griff's child-like nature. Like Nate, his relationship with her is a big sister-little brother type of kindness. Griff is 9 years younger than Maya.
It seems Zoe can't tolerate Griff's child-like behaivor. It was never stated in both profiles, but it seems that Mac standing with Griff is more of small rivalry than main enemies, as Griff is now the youngest by far in the series. Mac's trading card mentions Griff's allowance. SSX Wiki Explore. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Edit source History Talk 3. Categories Characters Male characters Add category.
For race events, learn the drop, and use your wingsuit if need be. For both, get tricky ASAP and keep it the whole time. Q: Is it possible to get the Platinum Trophy? A: Yes, but you must participate in the event with 50k people. Q: How long do Geotags last before they expire for full value? A: 24 hours. Q: Is there multiplayer? A: Yes and No. Yes, there is online multiplayer. No there is no splitscreen multiplayer.
Online multiplayer features a system known as RiderNet which lets you join an event, and get credits for your score once the event expires, as long as you join within the time frame, making it very flexible for everyone to play. Offline splitscreen multiplayer was impossible to make due to the limitations after making so many mountains and drops. Q: Suppose I have x amount of friends. If I do a run and beat 6 of the 12 posted scores by my friends, how much credit towards the badge do I get 6 or only 1?
And does it matter if I just selected the event or if I chose a challenge through Ridernet? A: You get the credit for the amount you pass, so 6. And it does NOT matter if it was a challenge through Ridernet. Q: What are "ghost" wins? And when do I get credit for my ghost wins? Do they have to challenge my ghost through RiderNet? A: After you complete a drop in Explore, a ghost is saved for all of your friends to try and challenge in their own game.
Q: How do I level up characters quickly? A: Keep playing! A: You don't require that gear, it is just recommeded. Actually, it's sometimes better to not listen to their recommendation. Q: How long does it take to complete World Tour? A: A few days, depending on how invested you are.
If you play nonstop, only between hours. World Tour is meant to be a tutorial. Q: How long does it take to level Characters? A: A long time, don't be upset if it's taking a while. Level 9 to 10 is a LONG time.
Q: What happens if I do a duplicate trick? A: You don't get as many points and you might lose your tricky. Thanks to Jmfellerful for your Wingsuit Glitch Video! Thanks to GameFAQs for letting me share my knowledge with everyone so easily!
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A few notes before beginning: Each section covering the three game modes World Tour, Explore, and Global Events will attempt to show you the quickest way to unlock all achievements relating to those three modes.
However, this does not mean you need to complete each section in the order they are covered in this walkthough. Some of the achievements in the World Tour section are particularly difficult to get, especially with a low level character. I'll elaborate more on this as we get to some of the harder achievements here. Also, having some fun in explore or global events while also gradually working on World Tour can help you avoid feeling burnt out from constantly trying to perfect some of the more difficult tasks in this section.
In this section there are 17 achievements worth Gamerscore. Three of them are badge related, and the rest are rewarded for completing various tasks. I will list the requirements for all the badges below, but for now will focus on the main achievements, while noting badges earned along the way.
Some badges you will earn simply through the process of playing the game. As you start SSX for the first time, you will be taken into a tutorial mode. After completing the tutorial, you will compete in a race against three other riders. In this race, all you have to do is finish in third place or better, and you will unlock your first achievement:.
Now begins the World Tour, which consists of nine ranges. In each range, you will compete in a few events, which may consist of race or trick events. One of these events will be a final practice event, either against Griff's ghost, or other members of SSX. After successfully completing this event, the final event of the range will be available, the survive it event also known as the "Deadly Descent".
In one of your first events, whether it be a race or trick event, grind a rail. To grind a rail, simply ride up to the rail, and while riding on it, hold either the B, Y, or X keys.
This first time you do this you will unlock:. Grindage Grind your first rail not achievable in Tutorial. After competing the trick event against Griff on Whitehorn Mountain, you earn your first bronze world tour badge called "Wet and Cold". After you complete the race on Extinguisher Tower, you will be able to participate in your first deadly descent: Trees.
When entering this event, you will be prompted to buy gear for the first time. Purchase an armor kit. Gear Up! Make your first Gear Purchase. See the General Hints and Tips sections to tips on completing the Trees Survive It, as well as all other deadly descents.
This is not a race and there is no time limit, so go as slow as you need. After you have completed the event and familiarized yourself with the course, do the event again, but this time without having armor equipped.
Ignore the warning about not being likely to survive. Once you complete it without armor, you will unlock another achievement:. Note: While working through these Survive It events in World Tour, it is also a good idea to attempt to complete them without using a single rewind. If you really want to complete these achievements with maximum efficiency, you can take care of these badges while initially progressing through World Tour.
Some of the later ones are difficult without a rewind, however, and you can always come back and do them later. The next World Tour range is Patagonia, with the gravity descent. These gravity events require a wingsuit that allows you to briefly glide through the air. The first time you deploy your wingsuit, you get another 5G. I'm Flying!