Why do cats go wandering

All the information you need to know so you never lose your beloved companion. When another cat is in heat, your cat might want to get to them as quickly as possible. That is why you should consider spaying or neutering your cat.

Once a female cat is spayed , she becomes more of a homebody and prefers staying with her owners. A male cat that is neutered becomes cuddlier and does not yearn to go out and meet females. Clicker training is a training method that works well on cats. It consists of combining action , a click, and a treat as a reward. In other words, when you want the cat to come to the call of its name, all you have to do is click and give a reward when it looks at you. As soon as this step is integrated, you will click when he comes closer to you, and so on.

With short but regular exercises , the cat will understand that when he comes to the call-back, he gets a reward. It is understood that a click is a mandatory reward. Learning the call-back with the clicker is very effective. Attaching a cat GPS to their collar or harness can give you, the owner, real peace of mind. A GPS tracker is light and small, and it is not uncomfortable for the cat. And if the cat is not coming home, it is easier to trace their cat. The tracker also has a call back option with an integrated clicker and when trained, your cat will come back each time its owner clicks it.

To prevent their cats from running away , some cat owners might prefer keeping their cats inside from outside dangers and dishonest people. It is easier to keep a cat inside when you live in a flat. But it also depends on the breed. Some breeds like Persian cats, Russian cats, Ragdoll cats, or Birman cats are known to be homebodies. A kitten that has been used to living inside might not be frustrated being kept indoors.

They will grow up without missing the great outdoors as they have never experienced it. It is different for outdoor cats as they feel freer and have been used to going outside. In that case, it might be harder to keep your cat inside.

It is also not a matter of prohibiting your cat from going outside all of a sudden or you might get stuck with a cat crying and meowing all day at the door. If you do not have a cat flap , it will be easier to stop your cat from going outside. Some cat flaps can be programmed, and you can block the opening during certain hours. At first, the cat may express its displeasure with a nagging cry, so it is important to hold on and not give in.

They will eventually get used to a new routine , whether they like it or not. Once your cat has gotten used to not go out at night, you can reduce its daytime outings by delaying its first stroll or calling them home early. In many cases, a cat that has gone missing has likely not been neutered.

Keeping a neutered or spayed cat home will be easier and might prevent your cat from going after others in heat. Brushing your cat and treating fleas is still very important even when your cat is not going outside.

It is also important to give your indoor cat what they will find outside for their physical and mental wellbeing , such as:. Whether it has gone hunting, mating, or is lost, it is essential to not waste any time once you have realised your cat has gone missing.

Recent research suggests that domesticated cats actually hunt and kill up to 10 times more prey than similar wild predators do. When cats are threatened, they hide until the threat has passed. Huan Smart Tags can help you locate your cat if he or she is hidden near your home. As long as your pet is within at least feet of a Huan app or sensor, the app will alert you to their whereabouts.

And if your cat actually is hiding at home, all the better—you will have saved yourself hours or days of worry! Male cats, especially, are prone to roaming in search of a mate. To prevent wandering related to mating, have your cats spayed or neutered. But if your cat loves the outdoors, you can help keep him safe with a Smart Tag from Huan. Best of all, your Huan app will alert you automatically when your cat is detected away from home and away from you.

With the help of other Huan users in your neighborhood, you can bring your furry friend back home safe and sound. Make sure your cat is protected before he or she goes missing outside. Although it is not a legal prerequisite in the UK to microchip your cat, we suggest you do it as soon as possible. June is National Microchip Month , so it is the perfect time to get it done.

And remember if any of your contact details have changed, you need to update these with your microchip database. Not only does a collar help identify your pet, but it also stops people thinking it is a stray.

Make sure your contact details are on the tag, as well as on the inside of the collar. As we have mentioned before, unneutered cats will travel long distances if they pick up the scent of a female in heat. To prevent this from happening, you must have your cat neutered or spayed as soon as possible.

Not only will this stop it roaming the streets, but it will also prevent unwanted litters. Cats are intelligent creatures and need plenty of physical and mental stimulation. Make sure you spend quality time with your kitty every day and set up activity areas in your home. Scratching posts, hammocks and lots of toys will stop your cat wandering off in search of excitement. Even the most street smart cats need to feel secure when it gets dark.

Make sure you bring your cat in if you are away for the day and at night. Knowing your cat is safely indoors will give you peace of mind, and keep your cat safe. This is especially important during heavy rainstorms or annual celebrations such as Guy Fawkes when your cat can become disoriented.

Let us know if you found this article helpful? We would love to hear about it, so feel free to share in the comments below. Hello my name is Genay Gonce. My cat prince is a Siamese and neutered male cat he is 10 months old but a pretty big cat. He ran away for the first time April 21 around three or four in the morning. I made posters , searching for him in early morning and late night ,calling for him, putting food out for him , and Putting my clothes with my scent outside.

I do not know what else I can do he is an indoor only cat as well. My biggest fear is that someone has them because he is such a gorgeous cat!

I even put out posters with reward on it in case someone does haven him. What else can I do? Hi, even my cat has been disappeared for 2 days, iam so sad, but after reading these google searchs I found its usual for cats to roam on summer times. My cat is a 8 month old cat, I hope and I believe he will be back!!

Did your cat come back?? Our cat was missing for 40 days. She was scared away by a dog and we were in a new house. Then she came home. We found her wondering the neighborhood. My half Siamese cat missing for 3 days. I am so much worried. Did you find your cat?

My disapeared three days ago. I cant stop worrying and we search everywhere for her and I also can imagine to live without her… She is also one year old. I am so sad. I really cant breath. The worst thing is not to know. I hope you could find your cat. I will continue to search and hope every day. My female cat is 2 years old. She is a very happy cat. Very sociable. We have acres and lots of wildlife around.

If you guys find your cat can you please comment it here too. It will bring me hope if you guys find yours. My tom cat too is missing past 3 days. My Siamese missing for 4 days she is spayed microchipped she is I had her since she was a kitten. Im so worried. Hi, hope your cat is fine. Here is my story. I have relocated my house and saw pretty grown stray cats wondering in our neighbourhood.

Due to covid lockdowns, we found that they have pretty challage to find foods. So we keep some to them and they all eat together. One of them started jumping to our house and became friend with us. It comes daily morning and beg for food.

Slowly like around few weeks it started to stay in our house like its his born house. Any way we treated him well and he stayed like 5 months with us everyday.

I always send him out at nights after dinner and he always come back at mornings to greet us. Once we found that he becoming lazy like wats to sleep in our house. And i thought he wonder all night with his mates and only comes to our house for eat and sleep to rest. One day he gone missing for 2 days. Decide upon a plan for moving your cat. The doors are wide open, a prime opportunity for your cat to sneak out and hide somewhere.

Read the complete guide for moving house with your cat here. This post contains affiliate links. That means that, at no extra cost to you, we may receive a small commission if you buy a product using one of the links on this page. Read our full disclosure here. This page contains all of the positive and happy cat stories where owners have been reunited with their pets after they've gotten lost or gone missing!

Some cats go missing…. Moving house with a cat is often a big worry for the poor owner. Will the cat get lost in the new territory? If your friend's cat has gone missing, consider it as if their child has gone missing. Cats are part of the family, if you've got pets too then you'll know….

I had a cat that was gone for weeks in the middle of an Illinois winter. We thought she would never come back. Then one day, she showed up hungry of course but with frostbitten ears. The tips of her ears were gone. Our theory right or wrong was that someone picked her up and took her somewhere and left her there.

She then took weeks to find her way home. She was a wonderful cat. She never disappeared again. Poor little thing, she must have been so determined to get home!! I got my fairly new have had her 4 months now shot updates 2 days ago and she has not come home after them. She comes home everynight until now…I am SO mad at myself for making her do that! This is very unusual for him. I have searched everywhere, put up posters, put him on PawBoost, Facebook, handed out flyers with his information.

I feel so guilty for letting him go out at night. He has a collar with his name, address, and phone number.


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