Who invented purity rings

A young woman or man might make a pledge to God, in the presence of family or friends, to abstain from sexual intercourse prior to marriage. It is not necessary for the ring to be a ring; there are also chastity necklaces and bracelets too. Price on purity rings can vary. Silver rings may be inexpensively purchased, while elaborately designed gold ones can be expensive.

Parents who intend to give a purity ring to a young teen may then want to consider the durability of the ring. A very inexpensive one may not hold up for the five or more years that it may be worn. I assumed we were headed toward the gilded, old-timey storefront, when at the last minute she veered toward the wide swath of automatic doors to Walmart.

Giant yellow smiley faces on signs announced over a fractured rainbow of gemstones. Or the price? Of course, I told myself, it was the meaning that counted, not the expense. My gaze followed row after row of semi-precious stones that appeared garden-variety beneath the fingerprinted display case. She pursed her lips and shook her curly mullet. Her chin recoiled into her gullet, apparently appalled that I was talking to a complete stranger about such things at Walmart.

Was nothing private? My dad and mom were against premarital sex for potentially the same reasons as the stranger shopping one aisle over in the purse department. They were concerned about infection, pregnancy, abuse and psychosexual harm. But beyond these universals, they also believed that if done right, intercourse could be transcendent and include the Divine, literally The Holy Spirit. They wanted me to have a positive experience, to esteem me, and to guide me toward what they believed would be the best sex of my life.

I was lightheaded. Perhaps it was the disappointment I felt over discovering my most prized possession had come from Walmart. Was this the best I could expect? It was a placeholder.

It sealed the deal. She stormed out of the store without a second glance at the specials. Mom slammed her car door and stomped on the accelerator. She turned left out of the parking lot instead of taking a right toward home. He proposed to fully defund abstinence-only programs in the budget. In an impoverished state of willful ignorance, where only 19 states required sexual education to be medically accurate, this was a hopeful pledge to ending the virginity racket in America.

Then Donald Trump won. His advocacy for abstinence-only policies represented a commitment to restricting women of all ages from gaining everything from knowledge to healthcare. Purity rings rippled to impact us all, aborting the ownership of our own bodies, minds — and ultimately our lives. The sign for Zales appeared on my horizon, and the jewelry store seemed to glow like a setting sun. The plush champagne-colored carpet instantly elevated us to luxury status and merely being inside The Diamond Store felt promising.

Purity rings for them hold a special meaning, one not only of chastity until marriage, but forgiveness from past sins as well. Another name for purity rings is promise rings. These rings represent the ideal of staying true to the commitment you have made to the Lord. Being able to give yourself wholly and in purity to your new husband or wife on your wedding night is a gift that surpasses even the most expensive wedding present.

Apples of Gold believes in the pledge of purity so much that we carry many purity and promise rings that will encourage and delight the person who wants to keep his or her vows to the Lord and to each other. Name required. Email required; will not be published. Gemstone Engagement Rings for a Merry Christmas. Still others exchange purity rings while in a relationship.

Exchanging purity rings with a significant other shows that both of you have a commitment to staying pure until marriage. It is not an engagement or commitment to getting married someday — it is simply a way of say you both plan to keep your hearts, minds and bodies pure, whether you stay together or go separate ways.

Wearing the ring is only one part of the commitment. Most people who choose to wear purity rings also take a vow or pledge to the idea of remaining pure. The vow or pledge may be verbal or written. The purity ring wearer may write the vows personally, or the parents or a religious organization supporting the idea of a purity ring might provide a vow to use.

Reciting a vow or signing a pledge just to appease someone else means the commitment to the purity ring may not be strong. The format for making a vow of purity is flexible. This allows each person to enter into the purity commitment in a fitting manner. Some options include:. Purity rings come in a variety of styles with various sayings on them. Purity rings for girls often have a thinner, more delicate design.

They might include hearts, butterflies or similar engravings. Others include gemstones on the ring. Purity rings for guys may have a slightly more masculine look.

Thicker bands are common in styles for guys. The wide range of purity ring styles makes it easier for each person to find a look that fits individual preferences. Purity rings often come in a silver tone, with sterling silver being a popular metal choice. The rings come in a variety of other metals, including yellow gold, white gold and steel, so you can find a metal that suits your personal tastes and matches your other jewelry.

An engraved saying is almost always found on a purity ring. Many other phrases are also available on purity rings. Some examples include:.


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