Which supermarket triples coupons

Update your browser for more security, speed and the best experience on this site. Update browser Ignore. Please be advised of the following: 1. A maximum of two of any identical coupons will be doubled per day, per household. For example, if you have three Ragu coupons, two will be doubled, and the third will be processed at face value. This is regardless of flavor or variety purchased. According to the supermarket's regulations, about 10 customers are allowed to enter the supermarket every 20 minutes.

The number of customers flocking to the supermarket on the weekend was so high that everyone had to wait for a long time. I have been waiting for almost an hour, but it is still not my turn," said Hien pictured. For people staying at home and ordering goods online, supermarket staff picked up the items that had to be ordered three days in advance.

HCMC, epicenter of the ongoing coronavirus wave, entered its second citywide social distancing campaign Friday under Directive 16, which requires residents to stay at home and only go out for basic necessities such as buying food or medicines or to work at factories or businesses that are allowed to open. Most shopping carts at the supermarket were filled with items like vegetables, meat, fish, fruit and dry goods. On average, a person spent more than 30 minutes shopping.

Fresh vegetables were the best-selling items and the supermarket's staff had to continuously refill the veggie baskets. Many people with a large amount of goods used delivery services offered by ride-hailing companies.

However, I still felt that there was still not enough food," said Huong sas she handed over her goods to a shipper on a motorbike. At 10 a. The HCMC Department of Industry and Trade has assured that grocery outlets and supermarkets would continue to operate during the social distancing period and there was no need for residents to stockpile essential goods.

The other coupons — retailer coupons — are offered and redeemed by supermarkets. Many times, manufacturers pay promotional fees to grocery stores to compensate for the expense. Some supermarkets give shoppers two or three times what a coupon is worth, called double or triple coupons.

Usually, though, only manufacturer coupons up to a certain face value are accepted. How to make the most of coupons Follow these five simple strategies, and you'll be surprised how much you can save:. He welcomes questions and comments, which can be sent to phil.


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