This mess, though, is so implausible that I lost count of how many times I burst out with an "Oh, for Chrissakes! Either Brice Taylor is fantastically mentally ill and desperate for attention Borderline Personality Disorder? Hard NO for me. Feb 28, Alex rated it really liked it Shelves: sra. If even a fraction of the recounts in this text are true, we as a population may be in trouble.
Incredible, disturbing read. May 19, Dina rated it it was amazing. The crazy part is not what she wrote, the crazy part is that I believe it. Aug 03, Eliot Estep rated it it was amazing.
One of the most disturbing, yet illuminating books, I have ever read. A must read for Americans who really want to know the truth! Oct 06, John W. IV rated it it was amazing. This book shocked me to the core, but it jibes very well with all the other books and research on the Bohemian Grove.
It's a lot to process and digest, but the American. I recommend this book highly, and I salute the author who is one brave woman, an American hero in my book. Apr 23, Ariel rated it really liked it. My controllers, the authors of this plan of enslavement, are counting on you to believe the media image they have thrust forward.
They are counting on you to do nothing. May 29, Pamela Poitras rated it it was amazing. Very revealing and graphic account of a mind control slave victim Brice Taylor. Although hard to listen to at times the abuse that occurs to Brice as a young child is heart breaking and absolutely disturbing. Some big names get dropped in this story as well.. Brice is brave and has grown up with much painful memories as she begins to remember h Wow!
Brice is brave and has grown up with much painful memories as she begins to remember her childhood abuses. She felt the need to share her story to bring awareness and possibly help other victims of child abuse. This story is just unbelievable and kept me in what felt like a trance like state from begining to end, my heart goes out to her and other children that had to be subjected to these evil horrors..
Jan 04, Jean Jessup rated it it was amazing. A traumatic read, but now I see the world much differently. A must read. Mar 14, Kellie marked it as to-read. How do I read this? Please help ive never used this site before? There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Be the first to start one ». Readers also enjoyed.
North American Hi About Brice Taylor. Brice Taylor. Books by Brice Taylor. Related Articles. Read more No trivia or quizzes yet. Add some now ». Welcome back. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Listen to him speak in the piece. He thought he sounded like John Wayne and he wanted me to somehow connect him to the actor in my mind.
He was a comic foil for me twice in the series. Do you think the Queen of England watches Channel Four? He says the Queen of England might see this show! Maybe I can get a message to her about my son! Just last week it was seen on Twitter as a QAnon something or other.
I felt like razzing this person for a moment, but soon thought better of it for obvious reasons! By Natalia Martinez. Published: Jul. Share on Facebook. Email This Link.
Share on Twitter. Share on Pinterest. Share on LinkedIn. WAVE 3 News. Most Read. Body of missing Hart County woman found, man arrested for murder. Double shooting under investigation in eastern Louisville. Suspect arrested for shooting, carjacking of Louisville teen tied to robbery, 3 other carjackings.