Either that, or u cam buy frost emblems for 28g Emailed blizz about wether it was a glitch or hidden vendor. They havn't responded yet. Comment by Avante Also, these won't go into a mining bag. Just an FYI. Either that or u can buy frost emblems for 28g Emailed blizz about weher it was a glitch or a hidden vendor. They haven't responded yet. Comment by Jakeofb1adez44 On Archimonde US , horde side, Primordial Saronite originally went for about Gold a pop, then I took a break and checked the prince today and was astounded that they are going for Gold a pop Amazing for people who sold them at the begining.
Comment by skati On my server the price is about gold, so its gone down a whole lot. Comment by GaronaPirhana It seems like more and more melle classes are getting shadows edge due to the price decrease : kind of takes the rarity out of it. Comment by Runs around , occasionally lower, on Whisperwind US, a medium-sized server with pretty slow progression.
If you were running daily randoms just to get extra frost for these, you might want to not bother anymore; gathering professions will probably net you more cash.
Comment by The drop chances shown on Wowhead for Primordial Saronite from Putricide seem really strange: Normal 10 drop chance: 1. Also, the article description of ICC says it doesn't drop at all in Normal man maybe the drop rate is just so low that it didn't register at all until after the article was written? Anyone have a clue what's up with these drop rates? Comment by See the icon? What has been seen cannot be unseen. My work here is done. Comment by creamlapine These are now down to around g per primordial, and the reason people would spend frosts on the gear is because alot of people are very picky about gear score and wont let people join a raid until they have a high enough gear score.
For example i had gear score and the guild i am in would not let me raid ICC 25 until i had And because the raid browser is totally useless since most people use trade chat, and trade chat is mostly useless because of all the spammers there, it is very hard for people to get into raids to get the better gear that they need to get their gear score high enough to please these raid leaders.
So of course people will spend frosts which they can get from voa and the first random heroic instance of the day and from icc 10 on gear. Oh thats on Eonar server, not a clue what they are on others. Comment by alicerozen For Shadow's Edge quest, in case your guild keeps all the primordial saronite for itself for whatever reason, you will need emblems to buy all that saronite.
Festergut and Rotface are the easy part of this quest. Comment by Bladecatcher Overpriced on Moon Guard since ! Comment by obiwaynekenobi With the changes in Patch 4. In other words, if you haven't gotten it already it's probably not worth it to get Shadow's Edge now. Comment by rzzr With the changes in Patch 4.
Comment by unknowen Even less valuable now that Cataclysm is out! If you want Shadow's Edge, you can farm the Justice Points for it by yourself over a relatively short time. However, now it'll take forever to get a group to do ICC Took me a while to find some though. You can also use your Justice points to buy one.
Comment by angle The last post was in It is now would like to know with all these new patches and things do they still have Primordial Saronite anymore? If so r they still falling from the bosses in ICC? I have 2 servers I play on 1 for my Hordes and 1 for my Ally. Neither AH have them for sale and Ive looked for months.
Could someone post a new comment on this. Thank You. Comment by bryguy These are still available in patch 5. Can also be found on AH. I have seen them listed for 50g up to several hundred gold. Comment by Takius Had one drop off Festergut today in 10 man. Thought it was 25 only, but I guess it's just a much lower drop rate in 10 man. Comment by Booraug Sold for JP, easily attainable now in 5. Comment by Silveraynea As of 6. The saronite is also now a crafting agent and can be sent between characters.
Update: Magister Arlan sells the saronite if you are a horde character. Run in, hang a right and there he is. I, for one, am not willing to pay g each for old school leatherworking recipes, which is what I went there for. Comment by Gracejones Usually pretty cheap on Auction House though server dependent. Often within 1 gold of the item's vendor price 7 gold on my server. Comment by Noravarra Actually, this can end up with very nice gold profit.
View in 3D Links. Quick Facts. This item can be purchased in Dalaran 4 and Icecrown Citadel 2. Please keep the following in mind when posting a comment: Your comment must be in English or it will be removed. Unsure how to post? Not only does this help the guild clear content easier and faster, it makes them massively more reputable. Similar logic is constantly used in good guilds. If you're in a casual guild, fair enough, but why even bother?
You're likely never going to clear 25 man ICC far enough or often enough for Shadowmourne. User Info: myztikrice. I wish we got free flasks "Why are you always smiling? Not quite sure what kind of guild your in, but selling items from the gbank is basically what funds the grepairs you use. In fact the only guilds I've ever heard that gave the p saronite to someone for making the axe where joke guilds that had no chance at ever seeing Shadowmourne.
I've seen michael moses a bunch lately. He's a newblet that shows definite promise. Not quite sure what kind of guild your in The kind of guild that helps its members and doesn't force them to pay for items they've contributed towards getting. We run a farming raid every month to gather materials and the excess junk that is vendored generates more than enough gold to fund whole 25 man raids repairs, multiple times over.
Every single guild that has a chance of clearing ICC25 that I know of uses a similar system. They don't charge their own members, they actually help eachother and as a result help themselves. What you are suggesting is counter-productive.
The price is irrelevant. As a community guild that is constantly contributing for the overall wellbeing of itself, we generate thousands of gold per week between us to fund player item upgrades, epic flying mounts for alts although this is less of a priority , repairs, and similar.
We have already funded 25 Primordial Saronite for one of our players one that we felt was most worthy of Shadowmourne , and are doing everything we can to get him his 60 shards right now. We're not just doing it for him, but because it's good for the guild.
Thank god I'm not in a guild full of players with your mentality. User Info: DarthJimmie User Info: Xecro. I'm not good with sigs. More topics from this board How do I get Pet's Hunter? Build 4 Answers How and where do you learn to use guns? Side Quest 9 Answers What is the quickest way? Main Quest 6 Answers Why can't I loot anything?