What kind of animals are invertebrates

The latest display illustrates the phylogeny of insects. The beetle collection was used to teach forestry students about wood boring and pestiferous beetles. Butterflies belonging to the Collections were photographed to make 'A Guide to the Identification of the butterflies of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland' by a Zoology Honours student in The microscopic organisms - protozoa, tapeworms, flatworms, roundworms, mites, fleas, lice - are preserved on slides; the larger organisms - ticks and flies - in spirit.

The tick cataloguing project carried out in showed that the ticks come from all over the world and from all kinds of domestic and wild animals. They're all invertebrates, animals without backbones. Invertebrates come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from microscopic organisms to giant octopuses. They can be found in virtually every habitat on earth, from oceans to rainforests. They may float, swim, fly, crawl, wiggle, or stay firmly attached to a surface like sponges.

The only thing all invertebrates have in common is their lack of a backbone. Alaska corals American bumblebee American burying beetle Andrew's dune scarab beetle Bay checkerspot butterfly Bartram's scrub-hairstreak butterfly Black abalone Casey's June beetle Chambered nautilus Comal Springs dryopid beetle Comal Springs riffle beetle Coral Conservation Elkhorn coral Florida leafwing butterfly Freshwater mussels Giant Palouse earthworm Great Basin springsnails Hawaiian picture-wing flies Hay's spring amphipod Hermes copper butterfly Hine's emerald dragonfly Ichetucknee siltsnail Island marble butterfly Miami blue butterfly Miami tiger beetle Monarch butterfly Oceanic Hawaiian damselfly Ohlone tiger beetle Pacific Northwest mollusks Peck's cave amphipod Pinto abalone Quino checkerspot butterfly Riverside fairy shrimp Sacramento Mountains checkerspot butterfly Salt Creek tiger beetle Sand Mountain blue butterfly Smith's blue butterfly Staghorn coral Thorne's hairstreak butterfly White abalone.

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