Text lingo what does j mean

What does IG Mean in Texting? IG means Instagram in text messaging. IGHT means Alright in text messaging. IKR means I know Right in text messaging. ISO means In Search of in text messaging. JIC means Just in Case in text messaging. KIT means Keep in Touch in text messaging.

What does KK Mean in Texting? KK means Okay Cool in text messaging. KMS means Killing Myself in text messaging. LOL stands for Lots of Laughs in text messaging. What is MHM in Texting? MHM means I Agree in text messaging. MMK means Mhmm Ok in text messaging. NFS means Need for Speed in text messaging. NTH means Nothing in text messaging. NUN means Nothing in text messaging. NVM means Never Mind in text messaging. OBJ means Ojbect in text messaging. OFC means Of Course in text messaging. OTP means One true Pairing in text messaging.

What does P Mean in Texting? P means Sticking Tongue Out in text messaging. PLS means Please in text messaging. What does PP Mean in Texting? NSFW — Not safe for work. NSFL — Not safe for life. NBD — No big deal. DM — Direct message. TFW — That feeling when. FTW — For the win. FOMO — Fear of missing out. TTYL — Talk to you later. ILY — I love you. LMAO — Laughing my ass off. LOL — Laughing out loud. OIC — Oh, I see. OMG — Oh my God.

Fast and effective communication is a good way to save time. Thank U ,good lesson. Please update your browser. Lesso is WEll prepared!!!!!!!! Like it!! TYSM- thank you so much :.

Alex, thank you. I hate this lesson. Thank you one more time Alex and. I enjoyed this lesson. I really appreciated this topic cya!! Its very deadly and I like it.

Louis chan. Ramzan Hosen Bhuia. Pretty awesome!! Hi,Alex YOU are brilliant thank you. Thank you!!! How interesting! Yuu En Mee. Very useful lesson especially if you make use of programs as Skype or Facebook. Thanks Alex. Thanks a lot I love canada. Thank you Alex. Thank you engvid. God bless you all!

A very useful lesson,thank you. And again score :D. Weeeeeeeeeee :D Upeee. I have mo words! I like it too much, thank you! Thanks for all of the comments, guys! I really appreciate them! Happy Holidays to all of you! Thank u that was very useful. It made my concept clean and clear….

I really liked this lesson, perfect! I learnt a lot. Thank you. Very helpful lesoons! I appreciate your working!!!! Thanks sir. Thx u so much :. Really, I am fond of your lessons, and this is just as piece of cake. Ammar Naqa. Thank you Alex, this is excellent. Really appreciated. Good work Alex. Abdul Qayum.


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