None are absolutely accepted as the way, but a combination of some or all can offer benefits. These include tweaks based on the features of a custom kernel.
You can underclock to reduce the clock speed. Similarly you could set the minimum clock speed to be lower, if your kernel supports it, thus reducing the amount of power the device uses when it is in deep sleep.
In addition there are some apps that help with battery life. Greenify helps prevent unnecessary apps from running in the background, Wakelock Detector will help you diagnose battery problems and the apps that are causing it, while Deep Sleep Battery Saver ensures the phones uses as few resources as possible when it is not being used. That latter app works in a way not dissimilar to the power saver modes seen in recent devices like the Galaxy S5 or LG G3, and has features that require root.
Some devices have extra features that are hidden or disabled by default, often by the network that is selling it. There are also various camera and audio hacks that can improve the output from these parts of a phone.
These are almost always device-specifc, so check the Themes and Apps section of the xda-developers. Search in the page for [MOD] to quickly home in on the available mods for your phone. Finally, whenever you make any of the mods mentioned here, you should always back up your phone first. A Nandroid backup is made through recovery , and is a complete snapshot of everything on your device—OS, apps, data and all.
Restoring this will return your phone to its previous state, undoing any subsequent hacks, and avoiding any problems that occurred. Moreover, these applications also provide functionalities that are not possible otherwise , such as system font changer, custom ROM installer, app data backup and restore manager, etc.
To that end, here are 20 rooted apps that can help you do more with your Android. It handles all root or superuser access i. SuperSU lets you grant or deny permission to any application requesting system privileges. It comes with lots of features like access and request logs, un-root option , option to auto-allow system apps, etc. Root Checker can test the root status of your Android device.
This application requests root permissions on your rooted device, and detects if the device is successfully rooted or not.
Device Control is an all-in-one application to control your device parameters. The application can be used to increase performance as well as monitor system resources. You can increase or improve various parameters and options to gain better performance from your Android device.
Root Browser is developed to browse the system with root privileges. Greenify is a mix of battery saver and performance booster. It hibernates applications that consumes more system resources, and make your device run faster and smoother. Root privileges allows it to hibernate even system apps, thereby greatly improving the performance. Xposed framework along with root privileges brings more features and so is recommended. It offers a simple and user-friendly interface, and allows laymen users to change their ROMs easily and conveniently.
The app offers the users to download a custom ROM from the given list of supported ROMs for the device, and install it automatically. For this reason, most Android phones are not designed to be rooted. Banking apps, Google Pay, and others that handle sensitive data will do this check and refuse to run on rooted devices.
If losing access to high-security apps is a big deal, you might not want to mess around with rooting. Root methods are sometimes messy and dangerous in their own right. Rooting also makes it harder or impossible to install official updates, and ROMs like Lineage can be difficult to install and buggy once you do. If having root access is really important to you, you might be left waiting on flawed software while you beg for a new root method or a modded OS update.
The last essentially universal exploit was Towelroot in mid, but Google patched that rather quickly. Google patches these flaws often before we even know they exist because having active exploits in the system is a very bad thing for most users.
These are security holes that can be utilized by malware to take over a device and steal data. Rooting will make your phone more vulnerable to security threats. Installing a root management app will give you more peace of mind. Normally, every app that requires rooted privileges will ask for your approval. This is where root management apps, such as Magisk Manager , come in. For all the benefits you can gain from rooting, you can go back to the way things were. Whichever method you attempt, always make sure you back up your data before changing your phone.
You can easily unroot your phone with Universal Unroot. Most Samsung devices are not compatible, and LG devices will be unrooted but still show as rooted after the app has worked its magic. One of the most thorough ways to remove root access is by flashing your device with factory firmware. First, download the factory image for your device to your computer. Once again, XDA is a great resource. Next, unzip the file. You will see another zipped file — unzip that one, too.
The unzipped folder should contain a bootloader image, radio, various scripts, and one more zipped file. Again, unzip that. Make sure OEM Unlocking is enabled on your device. Open Settings. If you do not see Developer Options towards the bottom of the Settings screen on your device, follow these steps to activate them.
Switch back to your computer. Copy boot. Connect your phone to your computer via USB. Then, enter these commands:.
If your phone is running Android Lollipop or older, you can also unroot by deleting the files that granted the root. Next, take the following steps, which may vary slightly in terms of names used depending on your file explorer:. Sometimes just installing an OTA update will break root. Just be careful — it might prove impossible to recover from.