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In the example above, it was a blog to obtain the subdomain blog. For our paid customers, we have the functionality of safe mode for Website or Blog loading, as in the image below:. After the domain registration record is recognized by our service the SSL panel should look like this:. If you are a customer and your projects have been migrated by the Rock Stage Team, the Name and Target information, besides being available in the Rock Stage Panel access, were also informed in the email to complete the migration process.

Back to home. RC Platform. Live Community Content. How to point a domain to Registro. Pointing a domain Come and learn how to point your Stage website domain or subdomain to Registro. BR account and click on your website domain: 2. Scroll down the page and click on Edit Zone: This option is not standard. Scroll down the page that opens and click on New entry: 4. Access the Rock Stage in a new tab and click on Dashboard: 5.

With the Dashboard open, enter the Domain submenu: 6. Your domain's pointing settings will be as follows: Name field: Displays the domain or subdomain you want to point to. By using the Registro. The data and content of the Registro. Without prejudice to other existing exclusions of liability, Registro. Various mechanisms are used for restricting access to the Directory for consultation purposes in order not to allow the information and data made available in it to be obtained en masse;.

The content made available on the site, such as texts, software, scripts, graphs, photos, videos, trademarks and logos are the sole and exclusive intellectual property of Registro. The collected data are used for diagnosing problems, preparing statistical and security analyses and fighting fraud with the purpose of guaranteeing and improving the information registration and consultation activities of.

The data collected by way of cookies are used for the purposes of:. Information about the browser characteristics of the users serves to guarantee their compatibility with the Registro.

Other data are not disclosed;. Other data collected are not disclosed. The data collected can be shared with third parties for improving performance in the resolution and operation of the DNS system. In these cases the shared data will not directly identify an user. IP address data, browser characteristics and means of payment may be shared with banking institutions for the processing of financial operations and for combating fraud. Strictly for the procedures specified in Law No.

The traffic relating to data that are consulted on the br. Domain Name System is encrypted as standard;. As a standard of information security prescribed in Brazilian law Decree No. It also creates an inventory to ensure the individualization of the person responsible for the access. The collected data referred to in Clauses 2. User information is maintained while it is linked to active services.

If a user's account no longer has any services or credits, is not updated and has not been accessed for more than 90 days, the data will no longer be available in the Directory. In accordance with the applicable legislation or compliance with a court order, Registro.


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