This is why a 6 perfect IV Ditto is so valuable, as it makes the process that much easier. From there, you need to worry about Natures. In normal circumstances, the Pokemon will obtain the nature of the female Pokemon; however, if you make a Pokemon hold an Everstone the holder will pass on its Nature to the child. There is a way around Nature breeding this generation with the Mints, however.
Now, just complete those steps five more times. Shiny breeding is less about careful calculation and more about luck. If you have a Spanish Ditto and an English Wooloo, your chances of a shiny Wooloo are that much better. Also, obtaining the Shiny charm also works for breeding shiny Pokemon, as well as catching them.
Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. If I breed two Ditto with each other, will I get a random Pokemon? Ask Question. Asked 5 years, 8 months ago. Active 2 years, 9 months ago.
Viewed k times. Improve this question. Lizzy Lizzy 57 1 1 gold badge 1 1 silver badge 3 3 bronze badges. When smeargle uses the move you want ditto to learn, use the copied sketch. Ditto permanently retains whatever move you want. I had a ditto with horn drill, fissure, guillotine, and lock-on, which always came as a shock to opponents. Does this exploit belong in the article? Flyingtypefan , 24 May UTC. If Ditto is genderless, how is it able to breed at all?
You would need a male and a female to complete the breeding process. I read something about asexual something something.. Alexjuuhh , 25 June UTC. I have wondered this too because if anything ditto were to transform and it would copy that Pokemon exactly. So if you have a boy dragonite ditto would transform into a boy dragonite, and if it did try to turn its self into a girl wouldn't it just mess up. A friend of mine claims that a Ditto will give more of less experience depending on what it Transforms into.
Is this true? I sustain is isn't but I'm having a rotten time actually finding any Dittos to check. Vhazhiphor , 20 July UTC. But, in that article, it says that the battle should last forever. Pawsrent , 21 July UTC. The pokedex says laughing makes it unable to hold its form. When you tickle someone, laughing is a natural reaction. But Tickle doesn't make it revert to its normal form. I tried to add this someone else did too according to the page's history , but someone said that "nothing says ticking would make it laugh.
What other point is there to tickling? Am I missing something? I didn't say tickling is the only way to make someone laugh, I said laughing is the only natural reaction to tickling, so i think the comment is warranted in the trivia section. Doesn't Ditto have the same cry as Poliwag?
If use Zoroark to battle Ditto, Ditto cant transform as long as Zoroark is in the illusion form. I encountered this in Pokemon Black while battling a wild one. My Zoroark was in the illusion form of Reshiram.
The Ditto kept using transform but the game would say it failed. Curious I tried battling another Ditto with Zoroark in another illusion form and it still couldn't transform. My Zoroark is the one from the shiny legendary beast event. Should this be noted? Pgj , 6 June UTC. Can Ditto learn a "temporary" move?
My Ditto did a Struggle after being taunt. They said that he can't learn any move except Transform. What dream world area is ditto in? I'v been trying forever to get a ditto with imposter. Auragirl , 29 January UTC. A little while ago, YouTube user Blametruth made his channel a personal creepypasta. One video of his featured a white Ditto in Blue version which name changed to whitehand automatically.
However, another man encountered a white Ditto in an attempt to prove blametruth wrong. But the point is, should White Ditto be noted in a glitch article, or maybe even in this article by chance?