Many inexperienced hikers begin too fast in the early morning and wear themselves out before passing through the Keyhole and onto the class 3 scrambling. Physical conditioning is important, but so is the mental aspect.
Weather can move in any day, any time, with any forecast. In , over twenty people were hit by lightning in Rocky Mountain National Park, resulting in two fatalities. From the time you breach treeline below Chasm Lake to the summit, there are very few places to escape a violent storm.
A good rule for Longs is to summit no later than 10 AM and the earlier the better. Even in the heart of summer, bring warm clothes and rainproof layers. Storms can form in 15 minutes from a perfectly blue sky.
Rangers patrol the area between the boulder field and the Keyhole, making sure everyone is safe and offering help if needed. Sometimes this may not be apparent to the hiker, but these rangers know what they are talking about—and they prefer everyone stays safe. On weekends, the trail up to Longs can seem more like a pilgrimage. Despite being a difficult mountain, many people still insist on giving it a go, even if they may not have the experience or fitness to perform well on the peak.
Certain areas are prone to bottlenecks, such as the top of the Trough and along the Homestretch. Consider a weekday ascent to avoid the crowds and start early. Rocky Scramble. Emily Escovar. October 9, Evan Jenkins. October 8, Alex Rodriguez. October 5, Hiking Scramble Snow.
Ryan Wilkins. October 4, Jonathan Morgan. Justin Eberhardt. October 3, Jared Green. October 2, Brian Arellano. September 28, Abd Farrah. September 27, Rock climbing Great! Jonathan White. September 26, Fantastic weather! Tucker Burr. September 25, Michael Colangelo. Thomas Yaeger. September 24, Joshua Chambless. September 23, Steady climb to the boudlerfield. Challenging hike past the Keyhole. Jenna Berkovsky.
September 20, Maddy Caviness. September 19, Ben Siegel. Caleigh Rice. September 18, Alejandro Corredor. Weston Hood. September 17, Lauren T. TJ Froese. September 15, Show more reviews Showing results 1 - 30 of Add photos of this trail Photos help others preview the trail.
Upload photos about this trail to inspire others. Show more photos Showing results 1 - 56 of Share your route with others Help other users find their next route. Upload your activity and inspire others. Kristy Simmons Buettner. October 30, Kellie Hart. Barry Oncale. Walter Brose. Bobby Katz. October 26, Chris Martin. October 24, Uday Tak. October 23, Andrew Spero. Van Nguyen. October 18, Cameron Mount. October 17, Ethan T. October 16, There are many routes to get to the Longs Peak summit, but the Keyhole Route is the most popular.
Technical gear is not necessary to climb this route during the summer, but gloves and a helmet as an extra precaution is recommended. While most of the way up is a trail, it quickly turns from boulder hopping to Class 3 rock scrambling. Past the keyhole and along the ridge, the route can be somewhat treacherous. Know that the scrambling, the long approach, the weather, and the high altitude bring an added risk when attempting a summit of Longs Peak.
Rocky Mountain National Park has Longs Peak hiking conditions frequently updated on the website during the season starting in May.
The prime months to hike Longs Peak is from mid-July to September. However, even during summer, the day can start out as sunny and blue skies, and by the afternoon, thunder, rain, or snow could come over the pass! Changing weather reflects Longs Peak's many moods. In the summertime, when conditions allow, thousands climb to Longs' summit via the Keyhole Route. The Keyhole Route is not a hike. It is a climb that crosses enormous sheer vertical rock faces, often with falling rocks, requiring scrambling, where an unroped fall would likely be fatal.
The route has narrow ledges, loose rock, and steep cliffs. For most of the year, climbing Longs Peak is in winter conditions, which requires winter mountaineering experience and the knowledge and use of specialized equipment. Disregard for the mountain environment any time of year has meant danger, injury and even death.