How many miles is sugarhouse park

The Pipeline Trail in lower Mill Creek is very flat and scenic. Upper Mill Creek is more rugged and steep. It provides access to the Great Western Trail System and is perfect for intense hill work, ultra mountain running, and escaping hot summer days. Within a five minute drive, residents can be on high quality trails in the pristine Corner Canyon region or soaking in the mile vistas from the top of Suncrest. A Mondo Super X track has been installed with four lanes around the ice plus an eight-lane, meter sprint zone.

Toni User. July 12, Gaylen Duckworth. June 29, Hawk Stevenson. Bird watching No shade. Meredith Young. June 16, Attila Papp. Mountain biking. Few joggers around AM. Nice lights and cool weather. Mike Laf June 2, Riley Ref. May 6, D HoV. April 2, Too many people. Ang Howes. March 19, Colleen Koenig. February 27, Running Icy. Jim Wittes. December 27, Mirna Yanez.

November 22, Loved it! Great fall afternoon. Erin Connor. November 6, Flora Hardy. October 14, Just a little too busy for me. Instagram utah. Adraea Oneal. October 3, Nice, easy, breezy walk. Harvest Merrill. October 2, Excellent for an easy walk dog friendly. Show more reviews Showing results 1 - 30 of Add photos of this trail Photos help others preview the trail. Upload photos about this trail to inspire others. Show more photos Showing results 1 - 56 of Share your route with others Help other users find their next route.

Upload your activity and inspire others. November 7, Emmeline Wang. October 29, Sydney Williams. October 11, Jessica Miller. Kylee Trapp. September 30, Julia Harrison. September 26, Candyce Rhead. Sugarhouse has lots of food options.

A quick drive west on south will provide at least 20 options in the first mile. A one-mile lane on the inside of the driveway is a favorite for runners, walkers, cyclists, and even cross-country ski trainers.

Finding Sugarhouse Park is easy. From downtown Salt Lake City, just take I east to the east exit. Take a left at the top of the off-ramp and cross the freeway. The park is on your right. Sugarhouse Park - Road Running. Made possible by. Photos About Review Comments Location.


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