We could not find the message board you were looking for. Popular Games. Recommended Games. All rights reserved. Back to the Top. Great Swords. Ninja Swords. Light Armor. You can steal one from any Esper, so if you have, then you have less work to do. So now, if you sold the 2 you got from Montblanc, then you need 2 more. If you have one in your inventory, then you're lucky. Either way you need to create a High Arcana yourself. So now you need a Feystone and 10 Arcana. You got a few Arcana from Montblanc, but if you've lost count, don't worry, by having the Canopic Jar all this time you would have more than plenty of them anyway.
The get a Feystone, you simply need to steal one from any Elemental or Entite. Take your pick and steal. Okay, so sell all of those and you got yourself a High Arcana. If you need to get another High Arcana, then you need to go get a Soul of Thamasa as well. This is a rather rare item, so listen close. Well, good luck. If you are unlucky enough to have unlocked a Saint's Draught or an Esoteric Draught in the bazaar and bought either of them prior to this quest, then I'm sorry, you're gonna have to get 3 High Arcana.
I'll explain this in Chapter 4 as well. On to Chapter 4. First off, sell any extra loot that you got from the quest, but DO NOT, under any circumstances, sell the loot that you spent so much time collecting.
Okay, here's the checklist. Refer to High Arcana section above - 12x Snake Skin - 6x Serpent Eye or 5 if you sold the one from Marilith Hunt - 1x Empyreal Soul - 1x Gemsteel Alright, now I'll explain why selling the 2 High Arcana you got from Montblanc already won't work - when you sell a loot, the game remembers it and calculates how many you need to unlock a certain item. If you have enough loot to unlock that item then the item will be enabled in the bazaar. So say you sold 10 of a certain loot, but only needed 5 to unlock something.
Now if you buy that item, then the game will reset the amount of that specific loot to 0. So your extra 5 you just sold went down the drain well, you got money for it though.
Since only 1 High Arcana is needed to unlock those items, selling 2 actually only counts as 1. Now for the positive side of the bazaar. Going back to the example before, now assume there are 2 different bazaar goods that require the same loot. Say, one needs the 5 as mentioned before, and the other needs 8.
If you've sold 10 or 8, doesn't matter , then the game will recognise that you've sold enough for both the goods and so both will be enabled. So in this example to unlock the 2 goods you only needed to sell 8, where as if you sold 5, bought that item, the counter resets so you need to sell 8 more. This is why you only need 3 High Arcana, as opposed to 5.
First off, feel free to sell your Gemsteel and Empyreal Soul. After that, we'll get all the Gemsteel stuff out of the way first, since it doesn't involve any High Arcana. So, you need to sell 1 Scarletite, 2 Damascus Steel and 2 Hell-Gate's Flame to unlock it, then you must firt buy it before you sell the remainder to unlock it again. This is because you cannot have more than one of the same repeatable goods in the Bazaar at once. So sell your other half, and buy that as well. Now, if you have 3 High Arcana in your inventory, and are positive that you've sold none to the Bazaar yet, then sell one now, along with 4x Snake Skin, 2x Serpent Eye or 1 if you sold the one fro the Marilith Hunt , 1x Soul Powder or none if you sold the one from Ixtab Hunt , and 2x Wargod's Band.
Enter the bazaar and you should see both Jewel of the Serpent and Jewel of Creation. Buy both, and repeat the process. Now, Sell all your remainings and you should get your final Serpentarius. Sell them all, and The Sunflower is unlocked!!! Sadly, it's not time to celebrate just yet. Yes, it's true. Your eyes are not cheated by some foul spell. This is, if my memory serves me correct, the single most expensive item in the entire game.
Buying all those Gemsteels and Empyreal Souls and Serpentariuses and Donuts didn't help you financially. If you still manage to have , gil left in your pocket, then you may go ahead and celebrate. If not, fear not! I shall help you out. So, you'll probably be needing a few hundred thousand gil before you have enough for the Sunflower. Well, I'll show you a way that you can make more than , gil in less than 15 minutes. If you have defeated the Esper Zeromus, then you have even less work to do!
If you haven't, then firstly talk to the Acolyte on the steps in front of the Bur-Omisace temple, and he'll give you the Condemner's Stone. Now teleport to the Stilshrine of Miriam and make your way to the Way Stone.
Choose to use your newly acquired key item and you'll be teleported to a new area. Open the Ancient door in front of you and you will face the Esper. Be warned, as you cannot use Magick during this battle, so you must rely on X-Potions and such to heal you. However, by this stage of the game you shouldn't have too much trouble with him. Okay, so whether you've defeated Zeromus right now, or you have already, go to the room where you fought him if you fought him just then, you must first teleport out and then re-enter this room.
As you begin going down the stairs, a bunch of Dark Lords will dig their way out. Recommended level: Petitioner location: Popol, Nalbina Fortress. Mark location: Necrohol of Nabudis, Cloister of the Highborn. Necrohol of Nabudis can be accessed from Salikawood or Nabreus Deadlands. There are no Save Crystals inside.
To reach the Necrohol, the player must defeat the King Bomb in Salikawood. The license is at Green Magick 6 and its base cost is 24 MP. User Info: excalibur User Info: DualArms. User Info: WinterPhoenix. You need 12 Snake Skins for the 3 Serpentarius, you don't need any for Masamune, unless the requirements are different in this version the 2 Gemsteel for Masamune require, 2 Scarletite, 4 Damascus Steel and 4 Hell Gate's Flames, then you need 2 Mallet and 3 Orichalcum.
Thanks psn:dcc User Info: ThirdAwakening. You get a Gemsteel from Montblanc very easily, make sure you don't grind an additional one for Kumbha unless you're going for Tournesol asap too.
Yeah you get 1 Gemsteel as a pretty easy reward from Montblanc, you only need one more for Kumbha, but you need 3 Gemsteel for Tournesol. It's entirely possible to get the 3 Empyreal Souls and 3 Serpentarius for Tournesol without having to make any High Arcana if you wait to get some endgame rewards first. The Tournesol is pretty underwhelming in this version especially, so waiting that long is no issue really, the problem is you almost certainly want to get Kumbha as early as possible and if you use the 2 Gemsteel to create that then you'll need to farm 3 more for the Tournesol.
If you wanna get Tournesol early, however, then you'll need to farm various items such as Soul Powder, Soul of Thamasa and Wargod's Bands among others. Neither pathway is really optimal tbh. I don't think I'm even going to bother with Tournesol this time around. Unless you're going for item completion, Tournesol is mediocre.