Unlike when you are adding or subtracting fractions, you can multiply fractions with different denominators. The third step is to simplify, or reduce, the fraction, because there's a better way to read a fraction. To do this, we find the largest number we can divide both the numerator and denominator by in order to reduce the fraction. Sign up for our Newsletter! Mobile Newsletter banner close. Mobile Newsletter chat close.
Mobile Newsletter chat dots. Mobile Newsletter chat avatar. Mobile Newsletter chat subscribe. Physical Science. Math Concepts. How to Multiply Fractions. Multiplying fractions is easy if you just follow three simple steps. Take another look at the example just given. Or in other words, its numerator was larger than its denominator. That doesn't change the way your multiplication works at all, although depending on your teacher or the strictures of the problem you're working, you might prefer to simplify the result of the last example, which is an improper fraction itself, into a mixed number:.
This leads perfectly into a discussion of how to multiply mixed numbers: Convert the mixed number into an improper fraction and multiply as usual, just as described in the last example. You can't simplify the terms of this fraction any more, but if you wanted to, you could convert it back to a mixed number:. Here's a handy trick: If you know how to multiply by fractions, you already know how to divide by fractions, too. Just flip the second fraction upside down and multiply that instead of doing any dividing.
So if you have:. Lisa studied mathematics at the University of Alaska, Anchorage, and spent several years tutoring high school and university students through scary -- but fun! Then add in the fraction part of the mixed number, giving you:. How to Write a Fraction in the Simplest Form. How to Multiply Fractions by Percentages.
How to Divide Negative Fractions. How to Compare Negative Fractions.